Formal name: Taurus Common asterisms: The Bull Name:
In the night sky the RA is 4 hours, and the Declination is 15 degrees Size/area: 797 square degrees Relative star constellations: Cygnus, the swan, with 804 square degrees. Camelopardalis, the giraffe, with 757 square degrees. Also, the Sagittarius with 867 square degrees. Neighboring constellations: Perseus, Aries, Cetus, Orion, Gemini, Eridanus, and Auriga Location:
Visibility in DFW/northern hemisphere: The bull is visible through the months November-March and it is most visible in January. In the northern hemisphere it is most visible in the winter season within the evening sky. Zodiac/Circumpolar: The Taurus is considered to be a zodiac Brightest Stars: 1) Aldebaran, RA: 04h 35 min DEC: ’ MAG: ) Alnath, RA: 5h m DEC: 28 degrees ’ MAG: ) Hyadum 1, RA: 4h 19.8m DEC: +15 degrees 37.8’ MAG: stars within the Taurus have a magnitude less than 3, which are the Aldebaran, Alnath, Hyadum 1, Elnath, and the Pleiades. Visible:
Greek/Roman mythology: In the Greek legend, the Taurus is a disguise that Zeus uses to get what he wants. On this occasion, Zeus had fallen in love with Europa, the daughter of King Agenor. He transformed himself into a white bull that was so gentle, they felt no fear. As Europa and her maidens began to strongly trust the bull, Europa climbed on his back. However, at that moment, the bull plunged into the sea and swam away with Europa terrified. When they reached Crete, Zeus revealed his true identity and kept her by force. She was then married him and had three sons with him.
OTHER MYTHS: Many cultures saw this constellation as a bull, including the Greeks. In the story, Jupiter developed feelings for Europa, who was not interested and wanted nothing to do with a god. Pulling a trick, Jupiter changed himself into a white bull and walked towards Europa who was picking flowers in a nearby field. Europa was then impressed and eventually got on the bull's back. Immediately the bull ran away and took Europa back to Crete. There, Jupiter revealed himself. Whether Europa was impressed by Jupiter's shape shifting abilities or Jupiter himself, she married him. The Taurus today is said to represent that particular bull. Also, to the ancient Egyptians, it represented the god Osiris, the god of the dead and of the afterlife and father of Horus, the god of the living.
ANY OTHER INTERESTING OR UNUSUAL FACTS ABOUT YOUR CONSTELLATION: 1) The Chinese called this constellation the White Tiger of the West 2) The galactic plane of the Milky Way intersects the North East corner of the Taurus. 3) The Taurus is the only constellation that has such alignment: the intersection of the galactic equator, celestial equator, and ecliptic.