Orange County Board of County Commission Metal Theft Ordinance October 5, Tim Brose President, Trademark Metals Recycling LLC Speaking on behalf of Orange County Area Recyclers
Overview History of Metal Theft Ordinance Local Industry What has worked Closing comments 2
History of Metal Theft Ordinance HB 105 – Working with law enforcement to create a statewide standard Importance of HB 105 City of Orlando Ordinance County Ordinance 3
HB 105 Requirements 4
Supporting Documentation Driver’s License Thumb Print Customer Photo Affidavit with Signature 5
Material Photos Vehicle and Aluminum Sheet Material Arriving Empty Vehicle Leaving 6
Local Industry 7
Orange County Recyclers Scrap Recycling Companies- 22 Transactions per Month - 40,000 Transactions per Year- 480,000 Employees
Area Scrap Metal Recyclers County# of Companies Orange22 Seminole8 Lake8 Polk8 Brevard8 Osceola5 59 9
What has worked? 10
Partnership Between Law Enforcement & Metal Recyclers Why is this important? ◦ Metal thieves will travel to other counties ◦ Focus of stolen material can change over time ◦ Develop Task Force going forward ◦ New FINDER System ◦ ISRI Scrap Metal theft Alert System ◦ Recent success with metal thefts 11
Sponsored by ISRI - Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries No cost to law enforcement or scrap companies Partnership of law enforcement and scrap industry Sends s to all subscribers within a 100 mile radius of where theft occurred ISRI represents over 7000 scrap recycling facilities Over 8000 subscribers are currently utilizing the system 12
Metal Theft Will Travel Theft Occurred on 8/25/
Material Rejected at Kaley Ave Rejected on 9/1/
Reported on ScrapTheftAlert on 9/2/
Purchased in Rockledge Purchased in Rockledge on 9/8/
Information Provided To Sherriff Information Provided on 9/8/
Closing Comments 18