Computer-Aided Design of Digital VLSI Circuits & Systems Priyank Kalla Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Engineering University of Utah,SLC Perspectives on Next-Generation Logic Synthesis
Logic Synthesis in VLSI Realization Specifications Circuit Netlist Optimized Netlist Tech. Mapping Place & Route Sequential Optimization Cell Library Objective: Generate Optimal Designs
Semi-Custom Design Styles Semi-Custom Cell-based Array-based Std. Cells Hierarchical Std. Cells Macro cells PLA Memory Gate-Arrays MPGAs FPGAs
Choice of Design Styles CustomSemi-customGate-array DensityVery highHighMedium PerformanceVery highHighMedium Design timeVery LongHighMedium/low Manufacturi ng time Medium Short Low volume Cost Very HighHighLow High. Vol. Cost Low High
Design Representations Architectural F1 = A*A – B*B F2 = C*C – D*D F = x F1 + x’ F2 Transformation: F1 = (A-B)(A+B) F2 = (C-D)(C+D) F = x F1 + x’ F2 Behavioural Transformations s0 s1 s2 s3 s0 s1 s2 s3 s4
Transformation Criteria Architectural Resource Optimization Latency/Throughput Optimization Computation Scheduling, Resource Binding Testability and Verifiability Behavioural Logic Area Gate Delay (timing performance) Switching & Static Power Dissipation Testability and Verifiability
Minimization Versus Optimization Minimization versus Optimization Trade-offs Minimize Logic Area, or Delay, or Power…. Optimize Area within bounded Delays Optimize Delay within bounded Area Physical Synthesis: Optimize Area w.r.t. Reliability and Manufacturability Delay… Area …
What is Logic Synthesis? Given: Logic Functions or Finite-State Machines Automatically generate designs (synthesis) Minimize or Optimize Logic w.r.t. constraints Optimally map logic onto realistic gates Problems and Challenges Memory: Size! Size! SIZE! Time: Computationally intensive operations What kind of representations to use? How to optimize logic to target the technology?
When Technology was PLAs…. Two-Level Logic Minimization: K-map type F = a’bc + ab’c + abc’ + abc F = ab + ac + bc Fewer inputs = fewer transistors Reduced Area AND Reduced Delay Algorithmic Techniques: Quine-McCluskey, Espresso, Signature-cubes
Then came CMOS Technology…. Salient Features: Very high noise margins Design Scalability Enabled Standard Cell-based Design Abstract Electrical Properties: Area-Delay Fanout-Drive Scalability: X’sistor Sizing Low (zero) Static Power Dissipation Enabled Standard-Cell Place & Route Estimates: Close to ~10% of actual layout Cheap, Reliable, Scalable, low turn-aournd time
Multi-Level Logic Synthesis F = ab + bc + ac F = b(a + c) + ac F = ab + c(b + a) Problem: Area and Delay became dependent Problem: How do you factorize?
Multi-Level Synthesis for CMOS Synthesis Issues to consider Objective: Minimize number of literals (area) Delay: Depth of paths, fanouts, signal orders, arrival and required times…. Area Delay became dependent Factorization: Extract common subexpressions Fanout problems Routing Difficulties Optimization (instead of minimization) became the dominant issue
Don’t Cares came into Focus…. F = a(b+c) When a = 0, (b + c) = Don’t care D.C. = a’(b + c)? Not really…. How to “generate” D.C. set to optimize logic? Problem: How do you factorize to create a good don’t care set ? Problem: How to filter “bad” don’t care sets ?
Don’t Cares Computations….. How to efficiently compute D.C.s and simplify ckt? Image computations Controllability and observability DCs Propagate DC set across the circuit Input DC Image of the DC
Solution: Sequence of Optimizations Script-based multi-level logic synthesis Collapse the whole circuit into two-level logic Apply K-map type two-level minimization Perform Greedy Factorization Compute Don’t Cares Simplify with Don’t cares Estimate area/delay, re-factorize if needed Delay minimization: depth minimization, fanout adjustment, transistor sizing, buffer insertion….
Sequential Optimization Behavioural Transformations s0 s1 s2 s3 s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 Behavioural Optimizations: Code assignments: What is there effect on design? S0 (00), s1(01), s2(10), s3(11) S0(00), s1(10), s2(01), s3(11)
FPGA-based Logic Synthesis Look-up Table based FPGAs Optimizations Criteria: Input-space Partitioning, Decomposition Literal minimization does nothing here….. Routing resources, congestion…… Look-up Table a b c f
The coming of age of Synthesis…. Power of multi-level logic synthesis Two-level minimization: solved! Good factorization techniques found Good Boolean Decomposition techniques Good representations: ROBDDs….. Don’t care theory well understood Technological challenges well understood (CMOS, FPGA, PLA, Memories….)
Some Problems Remain…… Limitations of conventional synthesis techniques Sequential Optimizations not well understood Perhaps the problem has become redundant? Technology specific decomposition still needs some work Not much support for hierarchical synthesis No support for across the boundary optimizations Power optimization at logic-level: NO IDEA!! Effect of factorization on Placement & routing
New Challenges in Logic Synthesis The problems of the future….. Static CMOS: area-delay will become unacceptable Layout is already becoming unsolvable Static (leakage) power is increasing Design granularity…. Large v/s small Hierarchical synthesis will become a major issue NOISE! Dynamic logic related….
New Technologies to Synthesize Dynamic Logic Problems: Domino logic is monotonic Charge Sharing, leakage, noise…. Standard-cell based or macro-cell based? Pass Transistor Logic (PTL) All of the above problems Signal degradation + restoration? s
Need of the Hour: I think…… Mixed Pass Transistor & Static CMOS Logic Area reduction due to PTL Delay reduction due to PTL & CMOS buffers Signal degradation + restoration can be solved Challenges: Factorize to reduce noise What to map on PTL and what to map on CMOS? s1s2 CMOS Gate Large fanout
Need of the Future: I think…… For new technologies, “nano”-type Area/Delay estimation Rethink Sequential Optimization will bounce back! Binary valued logic to Multi-values Logic Power has to be handled at logic level Memory no problem…. But computation time…. Logic optimization for manufacturability….. Structured Logic Decomposition for estimatable Placement and routing…. How about “Synthesis for verifiablity” ?