Around the World Project Final Project Introduction to Transportation
Project Counts as a Final Project and a Final Exam!! Project is 50 points up ramp and 50 points up ramp and float to end of trough Final Exam is Up Ramp, Across Trough, and Throw Golf Ball back to the beginning
Objectives After completing this activity, students will be able to: Review the semester of projects and apply knowledge of them to their final projects Review different designs and apply them to their final projects Research different materials and apply the knowledge to their final projects
Objectives State the processes involved in creating a project that must travel up a prebuilt ramp turn and face the trough, float to the end of the trough, then shoot a golf ball back to the beginning where you started. Students will get one week to make a vehicle travel up the ramp and face the trough, another week to go up the ramp and float across the trough. All 3 must be completed on exam day for full credit.
For this class every project that you built had a meaning. All of the projects were built upon each other. This project uses everything you learned throughout this entire semester to accomplish this task. At the beginning of the marking period you were all intimidated by this project but now there should be no problems with it. This is the most challenging project yet this semester. You have to use all you learned this semester to accomplish this.
Materials One REMOTE CONTROL vehicle of students choice (optional) Foam All scrap wood 2 Motors to make own vehicle Mousetrap (optional, but only 1) All materials from home All machines and tools
Content All Students will get in groups of 2 or 3 students depending on the number of students in the class. Each group is required to construct an Around the World Vehicle. If the group decides to you can use a Remote Control Vehicle where the controller and the vehicle are connected with a wire. The wireless vehicles short out and won’t work once you get them wet in the trough. YOU CAN ONLY USE A WIRED REMOTE CONTROL VEHICLE!! You will have 3 weeks to complete this project and remember it counts as a final project and a final exam grade.
In your group, you are required to make the vehicle travel up the ramp and face the end of the trough by the end of week 1. In your group, you are required to construct a vehicle that will travel up the ramp and float across the trough by the end of week 2. In your group, you are required to construct a vehicle to travel up a ramp, float across the trough, and toss a golf ball back to the beginning.
The vehicle must keep the golf ball on it at all times throughout the project. Once the project gets to the end of the trough it is then and only then allowed to shoot the golf ball back to the beginning. You will be given one mousetrap to help with the launching of the golf ball.
Evaluation For Final Project: ◦Week ONE- Project must Travel up Ramp, turn and face the end of the trough. For Final Exam: Week ONE- Project must Travel up Ramp, turn and face the end of the trough. 50 Points 33 Points
Evaluation For Final Project: ◦Week TWO- Project must Travel up Ramp, turn and face the end of the trough, then Float to the end of the trough. For Final Exam: Week TWO- Project must Travel up Ramp, turn and face the end of the trough, then Float to the end of the trough. 50 Points 33 Points 100 Points Total 66 Points Total
Evaluation For Final Exam: Final Exam Day- Project must Travel up Ramp, turn and face the end of the trough, Float across the trough, then toss a golf ball back to the beginning. 34 Points 100 Points Total