By William Cook.  How the internet works  How companies pay their bills  How to privately browse the internet.


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Presentation transcript:

By William Cook

 How the internet works  How companies pay their bills  How to privately browse the internet

 Go to any web page  Free services  Free Information  Free videos

 Your information  Give marketers information on what is being searched  Specific ads placed on web pages for the user  Marketers give money to the web site

 You click on a link for a product  You get ads on the sides of the product you are looking at  Information is sent to the marketers to better refine ads sent to you  Marketers give money to the web sites for the ad space

 People love free services and goods  More profitable than a monthly fee for users  Users never think anyone is tracking them

 What is it?  How it makes browsing the internet have less hassle  How do you privately browse?

 Ad Block Plus  Ghostery

 Blocks HTTP requests according to their source address.  Block many aspects such as:  iframes  Scripts  Flash

 What does this mean?  Browsing the web without ads and their links  Helps limit the possibility of getting a virus  Marketers can still track the user

 Shows who’s tracking the user  Blocks HTTP requests according to their source address in two ways:  Cookie Blocking  Cookie Protection

 What does this mean?  Marketers can’t track visited websites  Ads can’t be made user-specific  Ads will still show up  Can still get viruses

 Cover each other’s downside  Ad Block Plus hides the ads on a website  Ghostery will prevent marketers from tracking the user

 “Do not track me” button  Click Firefox -> Options -> Privacy -> “Do not track me” button

 Tells websites you visit that you don't want to be tracked.  Only Honor bound  Not fool-proof

 How the internet works  How companies pay their bills  How to privately browse the internet