03/13/071 Jim Kristan Your Logo Here Beginner SIG
03/13/072 Overview Meeting time 5:45 PM ( 2 nd Weds of month) Brief class description Very Informal Always start with questions No question is too elementary…from how to turn your computer off to what's that right mouse button for?
03/13/073 Intended Audience First time computer user Novice Anyone with a question Anyone who would like to attend
03/13/074 Beginner SIG Topics Security Backing up Files File Management Downloading from the Web
03/13/075 SIG Benefits Save money** Get more benefit from your computer Meet people that are at the same level Stay for the QCS General Meeting that follows ** Notes added for web site version: Learn what computer or software you really need to buy. Some excellent programs are available free. Learn preventive maintenance to save costly repairs.
03/13/076 virus Beginner SIG Summary Learn how all components come together. No question is too basic Bring a friend, send a friend. XP html.jp g mous e OS
03/13/077 For more Information… Beginner SIG is hosted by Jim Kristan. for his contact information.. Return to our official web site: