Putting motion is like a pendulum Eyes should be over golf ball Parallel lines Smooth and straight take back Firm and straight follow through Keep eye on ball through impact
CHEF Club down – Behind ball – Determine distance Hands on club – Comfortable and correct grip Eyes on target – Set intermediate targets While setting your feet – Setting parallel lines – Toes point to 10 & 2 – Knees slightly bent
Mental game is half the battle Don’t get discouraged by bad shots Throwing clubs can lead to disciplinary action Golf takes time to become good Never give up
Hit golf balls a couple times per week After 1000 swings muscle memory begins Spend equal time practicing every component Keep in mind pros practice several hours daily and hit a couple hundred golf balls daily**
Set and achieve realistic and meaningful goals Repeating a performance is not practice To perfect a skill Practice with purpose Have a goal
Set no more than 3 goals at a time Too many goals make it difficult to focus Pick out the most meaningful goals that will increase your success