AP PHYSICS MONDAY STANDARDS: Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Collect HW 3.Plan AP Practice Test over spring break 4.Finish Rotational Energy Conservation Lab Homework Tap#17 AP Problem Notebooks due Thursday Test Wednesday Warm Up A 2 kg ball with a radius of 0.5 m rolls down a ramp and ends up traveling with a velocity of 4 m/s. Use Conservation of Energy to find How high the ramp was Standards: 4D net torque changes angular momentum of system RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… WHST : research to aid in problem solving Learning Goal: SWBAT analyze the motion of different shaped rolling objects and determine the rotational energy required to make them roll. P-Problem Solvers Week 29 ΔU=K total =1/2 mv 2 +1/2 Iω 2
AP PHYSICS TUESDAY STANDARDS: Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Review Torque Lab 3.Review Torque AP Homework Problems Homework #18 AP FRQ’s Warm Up Angular Momentum is a conserved quantity just as Linear Momentum is. For each of the following situations, identify what should happen to the objects angular speed in order for angular momentum to be conserved. A.A planet is in an elliptical orbit and it is nearing its closest distance from the star. B.A child is on the merry go round and walks away from the center towards the outer edge. C.A tetherball winds around its pole after being struck by a child. Standards: 4D net torque changes angular momentum of system RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… WHST : research to aid in problem solving Learning Goal: SWBAT relate angular momentum to Torque & solve FRQ’s D-Disciplined Learners
AP PHYSICS WEDNESDAY Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Review Rolling Objects Lab 3.Present homework FRQ’s to calss Homework Study FRQ’s for exam. Warm Up A smooth, solid ball is released from rest from the top of an incline. The ball rolls down the rough incline without slipping. a.Describe the energy transfers that occur as the ball rolls down. b.If the solid ball was replaced with a smooth hollow ball of the same mass, which ball would have a larger linear velocity at the bottom? Standards: 4D net torque changes angular momentum of system RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… WHST : research to aid in problem solving Learning Goal: SWBAT review FRQ’s for AP Torque & angular momentum exam E-Effective Communicators
AP PHYSICS THURSDAY STANDARDS: Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Present Problems 3.Review Rotational Motion Lab Homework Prepare for Quiz Tomorrow 1 FRQ Warm Up NA Standards: 4D net torque changes angular momentum of system I –Independent Resilient Individuals RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… WHST : research to aid in problem solving Learning Goal: SWBAT present FRQ’s and discuss Rotational Motion Labs P-Problem Solvers
AP PHYSICS FRIDAY STANDARDS: Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Take FRQ quiz Homework Prepare for AP Test over Spring Break Warm Up NA Standards: 4D net torque changes angular momentum of system RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… WHST : research to aid in problem solving Learning Goal: SWBAT explain each step of their FRQ with words in addition to solving the problem. P-Problem Solvers
LINEAR VS ROTATIONAL EQUATIONS OF MOTION Position RotationalLinear x *Note: The x in rotational motion means position on the circle. More generally the equation is written s=rθ and in fact all of the linear and rotational motion equations would use an s for displacement in its most general form. Displacement Velocity, Acceleration Equation of Motion #1 Equation of Motion #2 Equation of Motion #3, * Concept Extra Credit: Use the equations for rotational position,velocity & acceleration to convert the Linear Equations of Motion into the Rotational Motion Equations. θ,
#9 CENTER OF MASS LAB ACTIVITY 2. Take a 20g and 40g mass. If the pivot point is at the 50 cm mark on the ruler and the 20g mass is placed at the 70 cm mark, where should you put the 40g mass to make the center of mass hit the pivot point. Calculate, then check your work by testing out your calculated position. 3. Take a 10 g mass. Place the 10g mass on the 80 cm mark. Where should you make the pivot point so that it touches the center of mass and the ruler balances? Calculate then test with a ruler and masses. 1. Find the center of mass of a 100 g mass at the 75 cm mark and a 200 g mass at the 25 cm mark. Will there be a net Torque associated with this center of mass? Calculate the net Torque at the center of mass. 4. A 100 g mass is at the 90cm mark on a ruler that pivots at the 50 cm mark. A 500 g mass is at the 30 cm mark on the same ruler. Where would a 200 g mass need to be placed to make the center of mass hit the 50 cm mark. Calculate then verify.
TAP#8 & #9 & #10 & #11 SEE SHEET
ROTATIONAL MOTION OF TUMBLEBUGGY ACTIVITY #12 We understand the linear motion of a tumblebuggy, but lets also describe the angular component of motion on the tumblebuggy. 1)Find the speed of the tumblebuggy. 2)Find the angular speed of each of the tumblebuggy wheels. 3)Find the frequency and period of rotational of the tumblebuggy tires. 4)How many rpm’s does the tumblebuggy produce? 5)Write a paragraph explaining how you might attempt to find the torque produced by the wheels. Include the information and the devices you would need to use in order to measure it.
#13 ANGULAR ACCELERATION LAB You will revisit the motion of objects accelerating down a ramp. Engage: Golf Ball vs Marble Rotational Motion Racing Match -Predict: Will a golf ball or a marble contain a greater angular acceleration? Will their final linear velocities be the same or different? Test: Your Objective is to compare the angular acceleration and final velocity of a golf ball vs. the marble. Interpret: What are your results? Do they seem reasonable? Explain the physics in a paragraph.
#14 ANGULAR ACCELERATION LAB 1a. Predict which dowel has more rotational inertia? 1b. Predict Which ball has more 2.Test Each Prediction 3.Gradually reduce the radius of the circle that the golf and ping pong ball make. Is it easier or harder to spin? is the rotational inertia bigger or smaller for smaller radius’s? 4.Find the rotational inertia of each object using the formulas on the back of your new sheet. I ball on string = mr 2 I dowel = ½ mr 2
#15 ROTATIONAL INERTIA BY ROLLING LAB Theory: When an object rolls, it has kinetic energy both in its linear (translational) motion and its rotation. The distribution of the mass about the body can affect how much energy is required to cause the spin. For example, a cart with very small wheels has almost none of its kinetic energy distributed in rolling whereas a thin hoop has a large share of its mass moving at the radial distance. In the case of an object rolling down a ramp from rest, the Total Kinetic Energy is equal to the change in gravitational potential energy ΔU=mgΔh. The total kinetic energy of a body is found by K total =K trans +K rot =1/2 mv 2 + ½ Iω 2 v 0 =0 d v=rω h1h1 h2h2 The new symbols, I and ω, are rotational inertia and angular velocity, respectively. Where I is a constant for rigid bodies and depends on how the mass is distributed, it is usually stated as CmR2 where C is a constant between zero and 1. Angular velocity is easily found by measuring the objects velocity and converting by the formula V=Rω. Procedure: Raise a table on one side by putting a block of wood or a book under two of its legs. Allow objects of various shapes and mass distributions to roll a distance of 1.5 meters across the tilted surface. The change in height is easily measured by comparing h 1 to h 2 as shown. Timing the journey allows one to calculate the average translational speed, and from that the angular speed. V average =1/2 (V+V 0 ). The higher rotational inertias become evident when more energy is in the rotation. This causes a slower translational verlocity and a longer rolling time. Data: Start by measuring 1.5 m on the table top. Raise the table with the wood blocks and determine the change the height over those 1.5 m. Δh=_________ m Time the cart as it travels through this distance, fill in the chart on the next page. *** Repeat your trials until the time value is reliable.
As you do the trials make sure to predict whether the object will roll faster or slower than the previous object. DO AT LEAST 4
4.Can you understand that a disc is a solid cylinder and that a ring is a hollow cylinder? 5.Do rings and cylinders have the same fall time? Do disks and rings have the same fall time? #2 & #4 suggest they shoul. 6.Expected values for C are 1 ring/hoop/tube, ½=disc/cylinder, 2/5 solid sphere, 2/3=hollow sphere. How well (in percent) do your values match these expected values? 7.What would roll down a hill faster, a hard-boiled egg, a fresh egg, or a hollow plastic Easter egg? Explain. 8.Imagine you are at the store buying foods in cans. Would chicken broth roll down a hill faster than an empty can? What about pumpkin pie mix (sticky & thick)? 9.What was cart the fastest object today? 4.An object that is at rest, not spinning, will not spin unless acted on by an outside torque. Knowing that a torque is a force that acts at a radius, what force was causing the torque? What made the objects spin? If this force was absent what would their movement be like? 5.What are the likely sources of error that could make our measurement unreliable? How well did the experiment work ( see#6) Write a conclusion. Analysis 1. Create a list that Organizes the objects in order of rotational inertia, from largest to smallest. 3. Is #2 verified by experiment? For example, do both solid cylinders have the same roll time? 2. Use conservation of energy to show that neither mass nor radius is needed to predict the final velocity.