WHAT IS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ? Simplified the school improvement model can be described as a reflective problem solving process that focuses on the primary improvement outcomes of the organization. This process involves the following: - collaboration of vision/mission with primary stake holders - data analysis to identify needs,/trends and to prioritize resources - goal setting for organization in key content areas and in regard to safety - creation and monitoring of a viable action plan
WHY IS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT SO IMPORTANT? “Without vision the people perish.” – Biblical Proverb “Vision without action is a daydream. Action with without vision is a nightmare.” – Japanese Proverb Graduation is essential for even entry level jobs Businesses are finding it difficult to fill these basic positions Some of the highest drop out rates are among the highest level learners Lowest performers identified as early as second/third grades are significantly more likely to drop out without intervention It provides a focus for resources based on prioritized needs that are identified through the process The collaborative process allows for multiple stake holder groups to participate and builds collegiality
WHO ARE WE? First step is to create the overarching vision of the organization Survey all stake holders Determine what is important to parents within the organization Determine what is important to students within the organization Determine what is important to staff within the organization Determine core values of founding group (administrators/board) Identify trends within these subgroups to prioritize essential elements Exercise: Brainstorm as many of the answers to the probes above and develop a rough draft vision for the organization.
WHAT ARE WE? The second step is to clearly state the mission of the organization To do this, an understanding of the community being served, the students in attendance, the parents expectations, and the staff predispositions is necessary Exercise: Analyze demographic data from your organization and the community to identify trends within your student body/staff/surrounding community in regard to cultural connectivity, community needs, and instructional impacts. Using this information create a rough draft of an organizational mission to address the above needs.
WHERE ARE WE? The third step is to find data correlations within the organization in areas that are assessed regularly Exercise: - Use FCAT/CCA data to identify trends (celebrations & areas of weakness) in reading, writing, math, science - Use Parent Survey Results to determine current levels of satisfaction and areas that need to be addressed - Use Staff Survey Results to determine current levels of satisfaction and areas that need to be addressed
WHERE ARE WE GOING? The next step is to craft a set of goals that are aligned with the expectations of the community and the organization. These goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Exercise: Using the organizational vision and mission write one to three goals that address reading, writing, math, science, and safety.
HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET THERE? Finally, a viable action plan must be developed, implemented, and monitored for effectiveness throughout the year. The action plan must identify prioritized goals, action items addressing each goal, the individuals responsible for implementation and monitoring, and have set dates for progress monitoring. Exercise: Using the goals identified in the last step and the template provided, create an action plan for the team to implement and monitor.