VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning The information in this documentation includes only new and updated functionality of the software after the installation of patch MAG*3.0*59. Users who have questions about the VistA Imaging software may send an to the VistA Imaging Education Project Managers at:
October To select a specific topic, click the corresponding link: Configuration Buttons Scanning to an existing note or creating an addendumScanning to an existing note or creating an addendum Progress Note List Options Creating a new Progress Note Scanning Documents New Functionality To view all information, press ENTER to continue.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Login by clicking the VistA Imaging Capture icon on your desktop or by clicking Start Programs VistA Imaging Programs and VistA Imaging Capture.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Or, you can open CPRS select a patient and click Tools, VistA Imaging Capture.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning After entering a valid VistA Access and Verify code, the Image Capture window will be displayed. This is an example of a “generic” workstation configuration. It is suggested that Configuration Buttons be created for the workstation, which will ensure accuracy, consistency, and efficiency in the document scanning process.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning To create a Configuration button for scanned documents select Configurations, Configuration Settings, All Settings. More information on Configuration buttons is available in the VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration document.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Make the appropriate selections in the Workstation Configuration Window, for Source, Format, Mode, Association, and Images Saved as. Select the Save Settings As option to give the Configuration button a name.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning To begin the Capture process click a Configuration Button if applicable, and then the Select Patient button. Follow the instructions at the top of the Patient Lookup window.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning If the Select Progress Note button is clicked before the Select Patient button, the Patient Lookup window will display. A patient must be selected before the capture process can continue.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning There are three ways to attach scanned documents to a Progress Note: Select an existing Progress Note Create an Addendum Create a new Progress Note from within VistA Imaging.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning To attach a scanned document to an existing note, click the Select Note tab, choose a Progress Note from the list, and click OK.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning To make an Addendum, select a note from the list and check the Make Addendum box. The Addendum Status options will be displayed next to the text entry area. The Electronically Filed option requires the MAG NOTE E-FILE security key. The creation of an Addendum should be done in accordance with the local HIMS policy.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning The user can customize the Progress Notes List Options such as the number and date range of notes to retrieve, and whether or not to use status icons in the notes listing in the main Capture window. The List Options can be accessed by clicking Options and List Options, or by choosing the Select Note tab and clicking the List Options button. The List Options functionality is only available when selecting existing notes or when creating an addendum.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning The default Progress Note List Options are seen here. Customize your selections and click OK.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning The Note-Status-Location field displays the Progress Note List Option choices.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning To create a Progress Note from within VistA Imaging click the Create New Note tab.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Select the Visit Location by typing in the first few characters of the name of the location as shown here. Select the note title from the list and select the New Note Status.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning After selecting a note, creating an addendum, or creating a new note, the Capture window will be displayed again. There is a new field called Doc/Image Date, which, along with the Note Date field, can be edited if the dates are not the same.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning When selecting the Note Date or Doc/Image Date you can type a date in the field or click the button to display a calendar and select the date. Choosing a time is not required.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Time Saving Tips To change the month click the name of the month instead of the left and right arrows. To change the year click the year and use the up and down arrows.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning To scan a document, fill in the Index Fields or select a Configuration button.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning In this example, each of the Index fields have been filled in.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning The ‘Hold Value’ option is used to retain the settings of the Index Fields. To add a ‘Hold Value’, right-click the name of an Index Field and left-click the push-pin, or click the Configurations menu option and Select ‘Hold’ Values. Place a check-mark next to the fields to have a ‘Hold Value’.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning This is an example of the Index Fields with ‘Hold Values’.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning The Long Description text box can be expanded or collapsed in the Capture window by clicking the blue double arrow.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning After the Index fields have been filled in, place the document in the scanner and click the Capture button.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning This is an example of a document in the Capture window after it has been scanned. The quality of the image should be verified before saving it to the patients’ record.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Image manipulation tools are located above the Capture window and can also be accessed by clicking the Image menu option, or by right-clicking in the Capture window.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning After verifying the quality of the image click the Image OK button to save it to the patients’ record, or click Cancel to restart the capture process.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning If the Image OK button is selected a confirmation message will display. This is the last chance to cancel the capture process before saving the image to the patients’ record.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning After saving the scanned document to the patients’ record, the Capture window will be displayed as seen here. Note that the Hold Values are still in place but the patient information has been cleared from the screen.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning To scan another document to the same patient, click File and select the patient from the list as seen here. If Imaging was launched from CPRS, only the currently selected patient will appear in the list.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning If the Note Title selected is Advance Directive, the Doc/Image Type field must also be Advance Directive.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning If a Consult note title is selected, there must be an associated consult which the note will complete.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning If Vista Imaging Capture is started from the CPRS Tools option and there is an image displayed in the Capture window, and then a patient change is made in CPRS, VistA Imaging Capture will automatically change patients to match. A warning panel will be displayed that overlays the ‘Image OK’ button as seen here.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning There are several new icons displayed in the Capture window. Click Options, Icon/Shortcut Key Legend, and select the appropriate tab to view the icons and their meanings.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning In order to comply with Section 508, which is a Federal law that requires Government documents be accessible to individuals with disabilities, the Menu Options now have shortcut key combinations.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning The Contents option will redirect the user to an on-line Help program. For additional information select the Help menu.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Users may also select Use Internet Explorer for help to view the HELP files. Click Contents after selecting the Internet Explorer option.
October VistA Imaging Capture via Scanning Additional information resources related to VistA Imaging: VistA Imaging Training Home Page: Health Systems Design & Development Imaging System Home Page: Health Information Management Scanning Home Page: