Society of California Archivists AGM 5/11/14 Thomas Smith
About Project Gado “History might become Project Gado’s greatest beneficiary”
Our Process 1.Digitize archive at little to no upfront cost using Gado robot 2.Edit and add metadata to all photos 3.Monetize through image licensing
Our Collections
Our Program 1.Goal: Use technology to get teens engaged with archives 2.~30 teens, 1.5 hour session on a Saturday 3.Focused on problem solving with 3D printing, digitization robots, local history 4.STEM -> STEAM
Results 1.Successfully engaged teens for full session 2.Covered all teaching objectives 3.IMLS grant outstanding, would duplicate at 3+ other libraries
Be as hands-on as possible
Make sure to consider cultural context
Prepare to be amazed by what your teens can do
Resources + More See us for handouts, sample lesson plans, etc.