Land Promotion Opportunities
In Simple Terms Emcland partner land owners to promote their site through the planning process. We use our expertise and finance to gain planning permission on the land for residential use thus maximising its land value. Emc land then sell the site and receive an agreed % of the sales proceeds usually 20% and upwards.
The Market The housing market has limitless opportunities with current demand far out weighing supply. Even in the boom house builders could not build enough homes to meet demand. Current governments figures predict that we need between 200k and 250k new homes annually to be built to try and keep up with demand. Current build rates of new homes starting within the last year stands at around 130k starts. The raw ingredient house builders need is “ land with planning permission”. The demand for land with planning permission is getting ever stronger by the day. National Planning Policy Framework - Presumption in favour of sustainable development When considering development proposals the Council will take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. It will always work proactively with applicants jointly to find solutions which mean that proposals can be approved wherever possible, and to secure development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions in the area. Planning applications that accord with the policies in this Local Plan (and, where relevant, with polices in neighbourhood plans) will be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Government Stance
The Concept Emc land work in partnership with landowners to promote their land to maximise the lands intrinsic value. The main objective is to obtain planning permission for a residential scheme on the site and hence increase the overall land value. Emcland look to fund the application process in return for an agreed % return of the overall value of the land once planning is granted. We control the complete planning process and engage industry partners for each site in order to progress the site forward. Emcland have total control of the planning process and once planning permission is obtained the sales and marketing of the land. Contracts are signed on each site with the landowners for a specified period of time for the promotion and an agreed % split once the land is sold. STAGE 1 : Land appraisal 1.Initial screen shots and site investigation carried out 2.Overview of local planning policy by town planners 3.Site suitability survey by architects and potential land values established via a development appraisal 4.Overview of all data and offer made to the land owner for a no win no fee contract. 5.Contracts negotiated with the landowner, issued and signed. EMCLAND NOW HAVE CONTROL OF THE LAND FOR PROMOTION AND SALE The Process
STAGE 2 : PRE APPLICATION WORK Engage all stakeholders including parish council, neighbours. Carry out initial site layout plans. Engage town planners for a simple design and access statement in order. Submit a pre application to council to confirm what reports are required for the full application and specific policies relating to the site. Continue the design process with all feed back from stakeholders and council. Engage all specialist reports in ready for full application. Conclude full design and access statement collating all information received. STAGE 3 : FULL PLANNING APPLICATION Submit a full application to the relevant council Engage any legal documents ready for signing once planning received Receive planning permission for the land STAGE 4 SALES AND MARKETING OF THE LAND Start full sales and marketing campaign to all local developers Sale the land and receive the agreed % split of the land sale
Investment Opportunities Emcland are looking for Angel investors to help fund our land promotion sites. All sites offered have been through and completed stage one of the process. Due diligence has been carried out and any risk mitigated through the stage 1 process. Emc land fully fund stage one in all cases. Emcland also have an equity stake in stage 2 – 4 in every individual site. In order for Emcland to continue to expand and to take the opportunities as they arise,we are looking for like minded investors to share in he opportunities and receive great returns. Returns can either be a fixed return based upon a % of the capital invested over a specific time frame or a % of the profit made on each site. We recommend that any investment is spread over a number of sites in order to safe guard the investment as opposed to one individual site. Stand alone companies are set up for larger sites in order to ring fence the investment
As With every investment there is risk, land promotions risk is if EMC land do not receive planning permission for a particular site. The way we mitigate the risk for our investors is link the investment to more than one site, in the event of a site not receiving planning permission your investment is secured gains other sites that will receive planning permission. Stage one of the process in used as our due diligence regarding the chances of receiving planning permission. Emcland also have an equity stake in stage 2 – 4 in every individual site. We only use the industry best consultants with vast knowledge base to do the due diligence on each site Emcland also defer some of our partners fees based upon a successful application, this focuses everybody involved to a successful outcome and our partners are rewarded for that success with enhanced fees. The business model in all cases that all associated with each application have a investment in the successful application, this concentrates every body's mind to the goal. Each site comes with its own report outlining all of stage one and the principle behind proposed application. Our investors receive between 20-30% return on the capital invested dependant on the amount, the term of the loan and the number sites invested in Clients can chose to take an % return of the profit from each site as opposed to a fixed return and is usually around 10%