Rebellions of 1837 Upper & Lower Canada
Upper Canada
Upper Canada - problems 1.The way the colony was governed (appointed rather than elected) 2.Land – unfair way the land was granted (best land given to family compact & Clergy – often left uncleared & undeveloped) 3.Transportation – roads were inadequate. Money was spent on canal building (which benefited the merchants – Family Compact)
Upper Canada Family Compact Elite, powerful people Loyalist descent Gave themselves & friends favours (jobs, land, contracts) Believed power should be in the hands of a few capable people
Land Concessions CLERGYGovernment land reserve Scattered non-farming land stops progress. They are left treed and undeveloped.
Farmers – Upper Canada It seemed to farmers that the gov’t granted money to everyone but them. –Impossible to borrow $ to improve land or buy farm tools Bankers and merchants grew richer while farmers stuggled.
Reformers Opposed the power of the Family Compact Wanted changes in Government Moderates (like Robert Baldwin) Radicals (William Lyon Mackenzie)
What Happened? The rebellion failed. Rebels (more than 1000) were forced to march to Toronto and placed in unheated jails with little food. Many died. –Those who followed orders went free –2 ringleaders were hanged –Many transported to Bermuda/Australia –Mackenzie flees to the US
Lower Canada
Lower Canada - Problems Farmers were against building canals and harbours that would benefit merchants English Immigrants The English dominated the government
Chateau Clique Small group of powerful business people British background Believed they should hold all the power Wanted the Church to stay powerful Wanted more English speaking settlers in the colony
Parti Canadien Wanted French ways to remain Leader – Louis Joseph Papineau
What Happened? The rebellion failed. Colony was under martial law Elected assemblies disappeared for 3 years 12 rebels were hanged 58 sent in chains to Australia Papineau & others fled to U.S. under threat of execution.
The Aftermath of the Rebellions movie
Assignment 1.Imagine you are a son of one of the leaders of the rebellion who was to be hanged for his part in the uprising. Write a letter to Chief Justice Robinson expressing your feelings and reasons why he should grant clemency (mercy) 2.Imagine you are Chief Justice Robinson. Write a reply to the son’s letter. Your letter can show compassion, but remember Robinson’s job is to uphold the law. Robinson is also a member of the Family Compact and treason is punishable by death.