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Hosts... Your

Jeopardy Celebrities Islamic Contributions IslamIslamic Empires Physiographics 1 bead 2 beads 3 beads 4 beads 5 beads 1 bead 2 beads 3 beads 4 beads 5 beads Final Jeopardy

1 bead Question from C1 Fearing for his life, he fled from Mecca to Medina.

1 bead Answer from C1 Muhammad

2 bead Question from C1 This Ottoman Empire reached its height under this Sultan.

2 bead Answer from C1 Suleyman I

3 bead Question from C1 This man of Persia wrote a book of poems know as the Rubaiyat.

3 bead Answer from C1 Omar Khayyam

4 bead Question from C1 This man made Shiism the official religion of the Safavid Empire.

4 bead Answer from C1 Esma’il

5 bead Question from C1 This man discovered how to diagnose and treat smallpox.

5 bead Answer from C1 Ar-Razi

1 bead Question from C2 The Muslim world gave us this type of Mathematics.

1 bead Answer from C2 Algebra

2 bead Question from C2 A scholarly and beautiful city in what is now Spain.

2 bead Answer from C2 Cordoba

3 bead Question from C2 A device Muslim astronomers adapted from the Greeks, which helped astronomers make new discoveries.

3 bead Answer from C2 Astrolabe

4 bead Question from C2 An educational institution in Baghdad that was founded by the Abbasids.

4 bead Answer from C2 House of Wisdom

5 bead Question from C2 Because it was believed that human images would distract worshipers from praying to Allah, Muslim artists used this type of art.

5 bead Answer from C2 Geometric and Floral Design.

1 bead Question from C3 The second pillar of Islam requires Muslims to pray______ times a day.

1 bead Answer from C3 five

2 bead Question from C3 Islamic laws

2 bead Answer from C3 Shariah

3 bead Question from C3 Abu Bakr was the first Islamic leader, or… _______.

3 bead Answer from C3 Caliph

4 bead question from C3 This text refers to the way Muhammad lived.

4 bead Answer from C3 The Sunnah

5 bead Question from C3 Giving a yearly donation to charity is which pillar of Islam.

5 bead Answer from C3 Third

1 bead Question from C4 Shah Jahan, of the Mughal Empire, built this famous structure.

1 bead Answer from C4 The Taj Mahal

2 bead Question from C4 This empire, under Mehmed II, conquered the Byzantine Empire.

2 bead Answer from C4 The Ottoman Empire

3 bead Question from C4 The Ottoman Empire did what to women.

3 bead Answer from C4 Limited their freedom

4 bead Question from C4 This Muslim empire was located in India.

4 bead Answer from C4 The Muhgal Empire

$500 Question from C4 The Ottoman Empire captured Christian boys and made them soldiers, or…

5 bead Answer from C4 Janissaries

1 bead Question from C5 A large majority of the Arabian peninsula is…

1 bead Answer from C5 desert

2 bead Question from C5 This feature of the Arabian peninsula made it an important center for trade.

2 bead Answer from C5 Its crossroad location

3 bead Question from C5 The biggest benefit of belonging to a nomadic tribe.

3 bead Answer from C5 Protection

4 bead Question from C5 Towns sprung up around these physical features.

4 bead Answer from C5 Oases

5 bead Question from C5 People who settled in towns lived this type of lifestyle.

5 bead Answer from C5 Sedentary

Final Jeopardy Category Islam ABC Please Record Your Wager Select a question to continue

Final Jeopardy A Muslims referred to Jews and Christians as ___________ because their holy books taught many of the same ideas.

Final Jeopardy Answer A people of the book

Final Jeopardy B  This group of Muslims believe that Muhammad’s successor should be a descendant of Ali.

Final Jeopardy Answer B Shia

Final Jeopardy C Islam spread through conquest and________.

Final Jeopardy Answer C trade