CS Introduction to Information Engineering Instructor: Shun-Ren Yang Office: A608 Office Hour: Tuesday morning 10:00-12:00 Course slides are adapted from slides provided by Addison-Wesley Computing
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering2 People Instructor: Shun-Ren Yang Office: A608 Tel: ext Office hours: Tuesday morning 10:00-12:00 Appointment via TAs: 陳怡貝 張正廷 張晛承 陳俞文 王昱傑 Office: 台達館 705R Phone: ext Office Hours: to be determined
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering3 Course Objectives This course introduces the fundamentals of computer science. The covered topics are: Data Storage Data Manipulation (program execution, communicating with other devices, etc.) Operating Systems (Microsoft OS, UNIX-like OS) Networking and the Internet Algorithms Programming Languages (not to learn a particular language) Software Engineering Data Abstractions (data structures, object-oriented programming) Database Systems Computer Graphics Artificial Intelligence Theory of Computation Provide a broad picture of the different aspects of computer science in the real world
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering4 General Information Lectures: Monday 10:10AM-12:00AM, Wednesday 9:00AM-9:50AM The course web page is located The course discussion group: to be announced Exams Quiz Three closed-book exams, 1 st : 10/22, 2 nd : 12/3, 3 rd : 1/14 Grading Homework : 0% - 作業會勾選但不用交 ; Quiz: 20% - 每週一小考, 每次約考 10 分鐘 ; First Exam: 20% ; Second Exam: 20%; Final Exam: 20%; Final Report: 10% Participation: 10% 期末不會調分
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering5 Reading Materials Text Book: J.Glenn Brookshear "Computer Science - AN OVERVIEW", ELEVENTH edition, Addison-Wesley Additional Reading: Check class website regularly Handouts: Will be available at least one day before the class
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering6 Course Academic Integrity Policy You are not allowed: Copying all or part of someone else's work Giving another student in the class a copy of your work Consulting with others during an exam Students who violate this policy In the quizzes: no credit In the exams: final score will be ZERO
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering7 Computer History
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering8 Origins of Computing Machines Early computing devices Abacus: positions of beads represent numbers Gear-based machines (1600s-1800s) Positions of gears represent numbers Blaise Pascal, Wilhelm Leibniz, Charles Babbage
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering9 Origins of Computing Machines (Contd.) Early data storage: punched cards First used in Jacquard Loom (1801) to store patterns for weaving cloth Stored programs in Babbage’s Analytical Engine Popular through the 1970’s
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering10 Early Computers Based on mechanical relays 1940: Stibitz at Bell Laboratories 1944: Mark I: Howard Aiken and IBM at Harvard mechanical relay memory Harvard Mark I
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering11 Early Computers (Contd.) Based on vacuum tubes : Atanasoff-Berry at Iowa State College 1940s: Colossus: secret German code-breaker 1940s: ENIAC: Mauchly & Eckert at U. of Penn. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer Colossus ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering12 Personal Computers First used by hobbyists 1981: IBM introduces the PC Accepted by business Became the standard hardware design for most desktop computers Most PCs use software from Microsoft
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering13 Introduction to Computer Science
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering14 What is Computer Science Draws from other subjects, including Mathematics Engineering Psychology Business Administration linguistics The science of algorithms
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering15 Algorithms Algorithm: a set of steps defining how a task is performed You can consider it as a recipe Eg.: 1 1/3-cups chocolate cookie crumbs 1/3-cup butter, melted 1-cup milk 1-egg 1/4-cup granulated sugar 2-tbsp cornstarch 3-tbsp orange juice 5-squares white chocolate or 5 oz (150 g) 1-pkg (8 oz/250 g) cream cheese, diced 1-tsp grated orange peel 3/4-cup chopped fresh or frozen strawberries (drain if frozen)
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering16 Algorithms (Contd.) Line a pie plate with plastic wrap Lightly oil the plastic wrap to prevent sticking In a small bowl, mix crumbs with melted butter Press crumb mixture into the pie plate and up the sides to form a crust In a small saucepan, whisk together milk, egg and sugar In a small bowl, blend together cornstarch and orange juice Stir into Milk mixture Until a thick custard forms Cook, stirring, over medium-high heat Remove from heat Break white chocolate into chunks and add to milk mixture Until melted and smooth stirring Transfer to a mixing bowl, until completely smooth beat in cream cheese, Stir in orange peel and strawberries and spoon into prepared crust If (frozen time < 1 1/2 hours) AND (the tart is firm) Put tar in the frozen section To serve, lift frozen tart from pie plate, remove plastic wrap let stand at room temperature for 20 minutes If desired Serve with additional fresh berries
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering17 Algorithms: Definitions Algorithm = a set of steps that defines how a task is performed Program = a representation of an algorithm Programming = the process of developing a program Software = programs + algorithms Hardware = machinery: whatever isn’t software
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering18 History of Algorithms The study of algorithms was originally a subject in mathematics. Algorithms were studied before computers existed. Early examples of algorithms Long division algorithm Euclidean Algorithm Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem: some problems cannot be solved by algorithms Completeness - Can a system solve all problems that can be posed of it, or, in particular, can it be used to reason about all properties of its own members?
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering19 Central Questions of Computer Science Which problems can be solved by algorithmic processes? How can discovery of algorithms be made easier? How can techniques of representing and communicating algorithms be improved? How can our knowledge of algorithms and technology be applied to provide better machines? How can characteristics of different algorithms be analyzed and compared?
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering20 The central role of algorithms in computer science
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering21 Use Of Abstraction Computer scientists can use algorithms implemented by others without understanding their details Abstraction = the distinction between the external properties of an entity and the details of the entity’s internal composition. Abstract tool = a component of a larger system whose internal composition we ignore Abstraction allows us to use things we don’t fully understand
Shun-Ren Yang, Introduction to Information Engineering22 Outline of our study Design and construction of computing machines Data storage (C1) Data manipulation (C2) Operating systems (C3) Algorithms (C5) Programming languages (C6) Data abstractions (C8) Networks and the internet (C4) Software engineering (C7) Database systems (C9) Computer Graphics (C10) Artificial intelligence (C11) Theory of computation (C12)