Fall 2014 Debra Powers, Administrative Coordinator for Testing or Grade 3 – CogAT New Form 7, Level 9
CogAT Testing Dates: October 29 – November 18, 2014 Who should test? All students enrolled in grade 3 The following students may be tested with non-standard accommodations: 1.Special education students whose IEP specifies that they take the test with accommodations. However, since the scores are interpreted using national norms, the scores will have limited meaning if a subtest is administered with accommodations which change the nature of the test, for example - extended or unlimited time or responses recorded by scribe. Note--Small group administration or use of large print are not non-standard accommodations. Please Note: There is no where to bubble accommodations on the answer document. The following students may be excluded from testing: 1.LEP students who are judged by the school LEP Committee to be incapable of participating meaningfully in the testing. 2.Special education student who’s IEP identifies the student as being incapable of participating meaningfully in the testing.
Materials Received Today STC/Teacher Local Directions(blue) – 1 per teacher Extra Answer docs - 5 each Class Identification sheet (blue) – 6 each Directions for Administration - 7 each Spanish Directions for Administration – 2 each (students will have this listed on their LEP plan) Practice Test Teachers Guides – 7 each NNAT/CogAT Security Agreement (green) – 10 each
Test Materials Will arrive on Oct. 22 in gray tubs. The tubs will include your practice tests even though they are not secure materials. Please inventory all materials upon arrival Prior to testing all examiner’s must sign Examiner’s Test Security Agreement, (green forms provided) Account for every booklet before and after testing. Keep secure test booklets and used answer sheets in locked storage Answer documents with student labels will be sent to schools before testing begins.
Secure/Non Secure Materials Non-secure materials: STC/Teacher Local Directions Directions for Administration in both English and Spanish Practice Test – Teachers Guides (only available in English) Practice Tests Practice Test Answer Documents Answer Documents with student barcode labels Class Identification Sheets (Blue) Plastic Bags Examiner’s Security Agreements (green) School Test Booklet Transmittal Form (pink) Secure materials Cognitive Abilities Test Booklet, Form 7, Level 9 Inventory all materials upon arrival.
Answer Documents Verify the year & month of birth are correct on the label. If incorrect, use a new answer sheet and bubble everything in correctly. If you do not have a barcode label for a student you have to hand bubble a blank answer document. Labels will be printed in alpha order by class – A file was pulled on September 24, 2014.
Answer Documents- Complete when there is no label Please bubble the following information for students who do not have a barcode label. –Last name –First name –Middle Initial –ID Number – (student’s 10 digit State Testing Identifier – STI) –Date of Birth –Gender
Class ID Sheets You will receive class identification sheets. A class identification sheet should go on top of each class. Please fill in the following sections on the Class Identification sheets: Block 1: Information Box - fill in the school name. Block 2: Class Name - write and bubble in the Teacher’s name. Block 3: Class Code – leave blank. Block 4: Grade - bubble in 3. Block 5: Form – bubble in 7. Block 6: Answer Document Count - bubble in the number of answer documents behind the Class ID Sheet that you are submitting for scoring. Block 7: Leave blank Do not complete this block.
Practice Tests You will be provided with Practice Tests to administer for each of the following areas: Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Quantitative. They can be administered any time before you give the real test. The answer sheet for the practice tests is a separate document. When the students have completed the practice tests please pack them to come back to us in the gray tub.
Returning Test Materials Place the Test Booklets, Directions for Administering, Practice Tests and Practice Test Directions in the bottom of the tub. Next place the unused answer documents and unused Class Identification sheets in the tubs. Next place the scorable answer documents, packaged in plastic bags by classroom with a class identification sheet. Next place the pink booklet transmittal form & security agreements on top.
Disposing of Remaining Test Materials Keep a copy of all forms Shred pre-coded answer documents for students who did not test. Recycle or trash local STC/Teachers directions (blue) All testing materials, in the gray tubs will be picked up on Friday, November 21, Testing Help Line :
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) Fall 2014
NNAT Testing Dates: October 29 – November 18, 2014 Who should test? - All students enrolled in grade 3 The following students may be tested with non-standard accommodations: 1.Special education students whose IEP specifies that they take the test with accommodations. However, since the scores are interpreted using national norms, the scores will have limited meaning if a subtest is administered with accommodations which change the nature of the test, for example - extended or unlimited time or responses recorded by scribe. Note- -Small group administration or use of large print are not non-standard accommodations. Please Note: There is no where to bubble accommodations on the answer document. The following students may be excluded from testing: 1.LEP students who are judged by the school LEP Committee to be incapable of participating meaningfully in the testing. 2.Special education student who’s IEP identifies the student as being incapable of participating meaningfully in the testing.
Materials Received Today STC/Teacher Local Directions (white) – 7 each Scoring Service Identification sheet (purple) with paper bands – 6 each Extra Answer Documents - 5 each NNAT/CogAT Security Agreement (green) - 10 each Directions for Administration - 7 each
Test Materials Will arrive on October 22 in gray tubs. Please inventory all materials upon arrival Prior to testing all examiners must sign Examiner’s Test Security Agreement, (green forms provided) Account for every booklet before and after testing. Keep secure test booklets and used answer sheets in locked storage Answer documents with student labels will be sent to schools before testing begins.
Non-Secure materials: STC/Teacher Directions NNAT, Directions for Administration Answer Sheets, with barcode label Scoring Service Identification Sheet (SSID) Purple Paper Bands School Test Booklet Transmittal Form (pink) Examiner’s Security Agreement (green) Secure Materials: Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test Booklet, Level D Please Note: Students should not write in test booklets Secure/Non-Secure Materials
Answer Documents All answer documents must have the NNAT level “D” bubbled. Verify the year & month of birth are correct on the label. If incorrect, use a new answer sheet and bubble everything in correctly. If you do not have a barcode label for a student you have to hand bubble a blank answer document. Labels will be printed in alpha order by class. This file was also pulled on September 24, 2014.
Answer Documents – Completion of Other Fields Please bubble the following information for students who do not have a barcode label. 1. All fields in this section 2. Last name, First name 3. Date of Birth 4. Gender 5. Race/Ethnicity – LEAVE BLANK 6. Grade (3) 7. NNAT Level (Bubble D) 8. Student Number (student’s 10 digit State Testing Identifier - STI)
Scoring Services Identification Sheets (SSID) An SSID sheet should go on top of each class. With a No. 2 pencil, complete the following sections on the SSID sheet: Class Name - write and bubble in the Teacher’s name. (Back of SSID Sheet) If no teacher is bubbled the students results will come back alpha for the school. Number of Documents - bubble in the number of answer documents for this class that you are submitting for scoring. (Front of SSID Sheet)
Returning Test Materials Place the test booklets and Directions for Administering in the bottom of the tub. Next place the unused answer documents and unused SSID sheets in the tubs. Next place the scorable answer documents, paper banded by classroom with an SSID sheet on top of each class. Next place the pink booklet transmittal form & security agreements on top.
Disposing of Remaining Test Materials Keep a copy of all forms Shred pre-coded answer documents for students who did not test Recycle or trash STC/Teacher local directions All testing materials, in the gray tubs will be picked up on Friday, November 21, Testing Office:
Reminders Be careful to provide the correct answer document to the students for the appropriate test. Make sure you use the Class ID sheet for the CogAT tests and the SSID sheet for the Naglieri tests. Make sure you use the paper bands for the Naglieri class bundles. DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO WRITE IN THE TEST BOOKLETS OR PRACTICE TESTS. DO NOT ALLOW TEACHERS TO WRITE IN THE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION. Do not put answer docs for students who did not test in the bundles of answer documents to be scored.
Thank you!!!!