Internet Resources Helping parents connect to a wealth of information
The framework behind our curriculum Common Core State Standards Why CCSS? Clearer goals Consistent, Strong, Clear benchmarks for English LA and Math. Designed for upward progression
Preparing students for Career and College Understanding Florida’s implementation of Common Core State Standards. (CCSS is the framework. The State is in charge of implementation, curriculum, and assessment. The teacher’s task is to deliver). Informative parent based information on CCSS Site serves Teachers, Administrators, and parents College and Career readiness by the end of 12 th grade ( CCR)
Navigating “Defining the Core” Parent link Provides info on CCSS. Video links for understanding CCSS. Parent guides for each grade level. Curriculum focus calendars.
“Defining the Core” Key feature
Parent Guide: Council of the Great City Schools Downloadable PDF Grade level specific information Parent Guide: National PTA Downloadable PDF Grade level specific information Key features Videos Understanding CCSS Common Core break-down for parents. PDF download. Curriculum Focus Calendars Focus for literacy Focus for Mathematics
Curriculum Focus Calendars (Math) Grade level details Main focus for parent is the Common Core App Common Core App breaks down the standards by grade level Common Core App shows the College and Career Readiness standard (Anchors)
What is BEEP?
B.E.E.P Broward Enterprise Education Portal Student Portal Teacher Portal Parent Portal Administrator Portal Designed to centralize the district’s educational data for easy access.
Login information for Destination Username is your child's student number. Password is you child’s date-of- birth. SuccessMeasuresDestination Math/Reading Designed to give students exposure To leveled math and reading. Designed to help parents and students have a clear understanding of the materials students are expected to learn and the new state assessments designed to measure that learning
SuccessMeasures As Florida's assessment programs mature, it's important that parents and students have a clear understanding of the materials students are expected to learn and the new state assessments designed to measure that learning. Find the link for the Success Measures Pathway tool
Current assignments Current location Destination Math/ Reading
Exploration page Course topic and description Destination Math/ Reading
B.E.E.P Student Portal breakdown Student portal page gives access to a wealth of instructional access for your student. To enter student portal, type your child’s student number for user ID and your child's birth date For the password, follow the syntax hint below the password text box.
Student Portal Homepage Student search Engine. Only available through the student portal. Online version of Go Math series book Online Science Fusion book. Online reading textbooks. Same as the classroom books.
B.E.E.P Parent Portal Free tutorials and online help with technology software. Access to your child's attendance. Breakfast and Lunch menus. Before and After school child care info.
Cafeteria Services and online payments Cafeteria menus Free/Reduced lunch link Online meal payment link Food and Nutrition Services
Atomic Learning Atomic Learning is an online technology training and professional development tool. Atomic Learning creates flexible learning opportunities that make it easy for learners of all age to embrace technology and develop critical skills for success at school, at work and in life.
What can I do with it? Check your child's Absences Marking Period grades See EasyIEP documents BAT test scores Assignments Collected student data is viewable on Virtual Counselor
Online School Payments Pay Before/Aftercare services online Register by creating a new account. Add multiple children on one account Pros Cons Processing surcharge Takes 24 – 48 hours to process
FCATExplorer Website Important updates Information useful to parents. Username and Password info.
Lastname First Initial Sign-in Name 06 Last 4 of lastname Month and day of birth Password Username: rawlinsd Password: 06rawl0428
Inside FCAT Explorer Math- 5 th graders Science Science Station Elementary Reading 3 rd grade Galactic Library 4 th grade Reading Odyssey
CompassLearning Odyssey Broward County’s licensed version of Compass. Make sure this badge is present before logging in. Username and Password is your child’s student number. Keep “Odyssey” as your school. Login after entering Username and password.
Spelling City website You will need to create an account and password. Once your account is created, make a new list to start adding you child’s Spelling words. Free activities and games to help with retention of vocabulary words.
District supported website links Student Portal Parent Portal Virtual Counselor Atomic Learning Destination Math/Reading SuccessMeasures digit student number required for login Teacher assigned learning paths tailored for each student Accessible through Student Portal in BEEP (doorway #2) Username is “broward” Password is “books”
Alternative Websites (non-school based) Typing program that can be used with or without animation