Terms & Conditions - the Nominet UK perspective Eleanor Bradley - Customer Support Manager Fay Howard - INCOP Project Manager
Nominet in a nutshell Manages the Registry for.uk domain names Acts in the interests of the Internet community Operates with the approval of the UK Government
Structure of Nominet Nominet has a unique structure: Not for profit Limited by guarantee, no shareholders A private company, not a charity
Core functions The core functions of the Registry are to: Maintain the integrity of the Register Database Perform transactions in a fair and efficient manner Provide information to the public (Domain Name look-up services) Provide a Dispute Resolution Service
How registration works More than 90% of Applicants register through a member of Nominet Membership is open to all The majority are UK Internet Service Providers Members can become Tag Holders, in order interact with Nominet’s automated systems
Three Separate Contractual Relationships ISP’s T&Cs Tag Holder AgreementNominet’s T&Cs
ISP T&Cs Disputes arise between domain name registrants and their ISPs Change of hosting Outstanding debts Your T&Cs can simplify these disputes
Assessing your T&Cs Are they easy to find and in plain English? Are they properly incorporated? Do they empower you? Are they up to date with current law and practice?
Other issues DPA Legislation Consumer protection Libel Intellectual property