Year 7-9 formal end of year exams. An opportunity to show what you can do. An opportunity to try your best! Preparation for GCSE examinations in the future The chance to shine! Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Preparing for your exams!! Read your revision booklet. One of the most important things you need to do is learn how to remember things!!!! Try these next few tasks and see how good your memory is and if you can make it EVEN BETTER Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Task 1- How do you remember things? Read the following things and think about what helps you remember them 1)What is your best friend’s mobile number? 2)How do you use a pencil sharpener? 3)What was your first day at primary school like? 4)What did you eat for lunch yesterday? 5)How do you get to the nearest sweet shop? Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Task 2- Check your memory style!! Read through the following list for 2 minutes Your teacher will then blank the slide. Now write down how many things you can remember Think about what helps you to remember them Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Task 2 Sea merry PINK saucer circus LOG hobby EGG cheese WINDY pong sneeze INDIA hand JAM tutor kneel bread table BLUE hand Book RED Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT Tiger banana butterfly
Task 3 Think about three adverts ( from TV, Magazines, display boards etc) What makes these three memorable to you? Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Task4- chunking information!! Nobel- prize winner Herbert Simon found that we can generally “hold” five “chunks” of information in our short-term memory. These “ chunks” can vary enormously in size: it could be a single word or number, or a phrase, or a whole story. Try this on the next slide…..You should be able to remember Roughly the same number of chunks, regardless of size Eg: five sets of two words or five longer sentences!!! Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Task 4….. Small chunks (2 words) Happy Birthday No Smoking No entry Buckingham Palace Mouth-watering Photo album New Year Footpath Bigger chunks (7-10 word sentence) There is no business like show business Once upon a time there were three little pigs Somewhere over the rainbow, was up high I hope you know what you are doing To be or not to be, that is the question Postman Pat and his black and white cat Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Important to follow these rules for ALL exams Before the Exam Some exams will take place in Bridgewater FLZ. Others will take place in your classroom. Check the timetable carefully If the exam is in the hall then leave your belongings (coat & bag) in your locker or in the store room ( in the purple garden) Come fully prepared with black pens, pencils, ruler, rubber etc in a clear plastic bag. Go for a comfort break BEFORE HAND. Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Exams are either 9.00am or 11.30am If the exam is at 9am, go immediately to the exam after form time. If the exam is at 11.30am then go to period 3 and register. Then come down immediately. Line up outside the venue. Enter the exam hall in silence Give in your mobile phone to the invigilator. Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Important to follow these rules for ALL exams At the start of the exam Sit in silence, facing the front. Listen to instructions from Ms Lord During the exam If you have a question put your hand up and ASK! Remember that the invigilators or teachers cannot help you with the exam questions! Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT
Important to follow these rules for ALL exams At the end of the exam Continue to sit in silence as the exam papers are collected. Wait for your row to be dismissed. Leave in silence. Collect your mobile phone on your way out. Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and is equipped to lead happy and successful lives RESPECT TRUST COMMITMENT