Copyright, Fair Use, and Public Domain Computer 1
TRUE or FALSE Copyright status is only granted to well-known authors and filmakers. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Copyright status is only granted to well-known authors and filmakers. FALSE – Copyright is granted to anyone who records an original creative work in a fixed, tangible form. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Sam buys a new band’s CD but decides he doesn’t like the singer, so he resells the CD on eBay. That’s legal. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Sam buys a new band’s CD but decides he doesn’t like the singer, so he resells the CD on eBay. That’s legal. TRUE – Reselling a CD that you bought is legal according to the First Sale Doctrine. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE The sole purpose of copyright is to make authors money and protect them from getting their works stolen. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE The sole purpose of copyright is to make authors money and protect them from getting their works stolen. FALSE – Copyright was established to encourage the growth of science, education, and the arts. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Jason copies the entire last chapter from the final Harry Potter book to his commercial blog without any additional commentary. Since he only used part of the work, Jason would be protected by fair use. FALSE – Given the amount and significance of the portion Jason has taken, the commercial benefit he would receive, a court would be unlikely to view his use as a fair use. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Kathy downloaded a few photos of local organic farms from’s Creative Commons (CC) pool. She follows the rules of the photographer’s specific CC license and uses them in her digital video. That’s OK. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Kathy downloaded a few photos of local organic farms from’s Creative Commons (CC) pool. She follows the rules of the photographer’s specific CC license and uses them in her digital video. That’s OK. TRUE – Kathy can legally use the photos as long as she follows the rules of the license. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Paula read an interesting article about the making of the film Titanic and wants to use a short quote in her cinema review paper for journalism class. That’s copyright infringement. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Paula read an interesting article about the making of the film Titanic and wants to use a short quote in her cinema review paper for journalism class. That’s copyright infringement. FALSE – Since she’s using a short quote for the purpose of scholastic commentary, it would be fair use. Copy Quiz
TRUE or FALSE Since Richard forgot to register his screenplay before he sent it out to agents for review, he’s no longer eligible to copyright it. Last Question!
TRUE or FALSE Since Richard forgot to register his screenplay before he sent it out to agents for review, he’s no longer eligible to copyright it. FALSE – Copyright protection is automatic once your original work is in a fixed, tangible form. Last Question!
Copyright is a form of legal protection automatically provided to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literacy, dramatic, musical, and artistic works What is Copyright?
Types of Works Protected by Copyright Motion pictures Video games Computer software Audio recordings Architectural works Literary works Music and lyrics Dramatic works and music Choreographic works Photographs, graphics, paintings, sculptures
No, when you buy music, you own that copy of the music If you bought a CD, you are allowed to sell that particular copy or make fair uses, but you don’t own a copyright in the work. When I buy music, either online or off, do I get copyright in the work?
For original works created after 1977, copyright lasts for the life of the author/creator How long does copyright last?
Fair Use allows the public to use portions of copyrighted work without permission from the copyright owner The purpose and character of the second use: Is it just a copy, or are you doing something different with the original work? The natural origin: Was the original work creative or primarily informational? Copyright Limitations Fair Use
Amount used: How much of the original work was used, and was that amount necessary? Effect: Did the use harm the market for the original work? For example, would people buy this work instead of the original? Copyright Limitations Fair Use
Public Domain works can be freely used by anyone, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, without permission from an original copyright owner/author Public domain status allows the user unrestricted access and unlimited creativity! These works may be designated for free and unlimited public access, or they may not be covered by copyright law because the copyright status has expired Reference: Teaching Copyright. A project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Copyright Limitations Public Domain