Networking and Communities of Practice Global Lessons
Network Definitions A collection of components interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information Wikipedia The infrastructure that supports data exchange Wildpackets A series of points or nodes interconnected by communication paths TechTarget An association of individuals having a common interest and often providing mutual assistance, information, etc.
Community of Practice Definitions A group of people who share a craft and/or a profession Wikipedia A shared domain of human endeavor formed by persons engaged in a process of collective learning Etienne Wenger A group of people who share a concern or passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly Jean Lave
Community of Practice Characteristics The domain Identity is defined by a shared domain of interest More than a club of friends or network of connections between people Membership implies shared competence or interest in the domain The community Members engage in joint discussions to share information and help each other Members build relationships to learn from each other The practice Members are practitioners Members develop a shared repertoire of experiences, stories, tools, ways of addressing challenges – a shared practice
LOCOP FAQs Q: What is LOCOP? A: A web-based, virtual discussion space for practitioners of legislative oversight Q: Who belongs to LOCOP? A: Mainly staff of SAIs and PACs Q: What is the cost of membership? A: Nil
What can I get from LOCOP? Discussions Mostly news items posted by administrator Any member can start a discussion Any member can Reply to register their thoughts on a posting Library Documents Articles, Research studies Publications Resources PD courses More studies Links To relevant websites
How do I join LOCOP? Google “ Legislative Oversight Community of Practice ” and follow the prompts to request membership or Supply your address and we will sign you up Membership is free, and you can unsubscribe at any time
Networking and Communities of Practice Global Lessons