Domain Extension for Random Oracles: Beyond the Birthday Paradox Bound Arvind Narayanan (UT Austin) Ilya Mironov (Microsoft Research)
Notions of hash function security TCR Pre Sec RO aSeceSec CR aPreePre multi coll Nostradamus ? ? ?
What’s wrong with MD? CCC M1M1 M2M2 M3M3 h0h0 h=h 3 h1h1 h2h2 Multicollisions (Joux, Crypto’04) Second preimage (Kelsey and Schneier, Eurocrypt’05) Nostradamus (Kelsey and Kohno, Eurocrypt’06) Birthday paradox
What does indifferentiability mean? SSS M1M1 h0h0 h=h 3 h1h1 h2h2 M2M2 M3M3 Oracle Maurer at al. [CDMP05]
Lucks (Asiacrypt 2005) M1M1 M1M1 M2M2 M2M2 M3M3 M3M3 h0h0 h1h1 Internal state must be wide (2 x output length) Optimal security Compression function “Finalizing function” Rate = 0.25 Not exactly impossible
Simple construction M α1 α2β1 β2α1 α2β1 β2 (only one block shown) Twice as much space for message bits Linear algebra very fast Lucks Double pipe M
Other possibilities M (only one block shown) Lucks Double pipe No internal collisions! Collision resistance 2 n on output length 2n
Ugly construction M1M1 M2M2 M1M1 M2M2 M3M3 Rate 3/8 Provably behaves like a random oracle (2 n )
Proof technique M1M1 M2M2 M1M1 M2M2 M3M3 NOT a random oracle! Hybrid argument fails Inductive “global” proof Collision counting
Does not seem to lead to attack But necessary for using indifferentiability framework Collision Unsupported query The adversary wins if… Goal: distinguish construction from random oracle
Results Rate ½ (always) Collision resistant (2 n ) Almost behaves like random oracle (2 n ) Simple Ugly Rate 3/8 (for SHA-256) Provably behaves like random oracle (2 n )
Rate comparison Overall rate Compression ratio SHA-256 Merkle-Damgard Simple Ugly Lucks double-pipe
Why should you care? Gap between MD and double pipe is large – Factor of 4 for SHA-256, 3 for MD5 New crop of proof techniques – Steinberger (Eurocrypt’07) – Current work – Shrimpton and Stam (next talk) Apply techniques to new constructions?
Work in progress Constructions with better rate – Nontrivial lower bound? – Possibility of getting close to rate 1 Domain separation Understand model better, esp. role of unsupported queries Simpler constructions and proofs