PURPOSEPURPOSE To explain the details of all system parameters in Idea.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS The system parameters are valid for the whole system. These parameters cannot be set specifically for individual ports.
ACD Active: Shows whether EVM200 is serving external callers or not.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS ACD Answer Delay: Programs the duration of EVM200 response. e.g. 2 rings: The external call rings at the operator for 2 rings, then EVM200 answers the call.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS ACD Messages Gain Level: Increases / decreases the level of ACD messages heard by external callers.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Activate Equal Load At Subscriber Calls: Normally equal load in PBX group is active for external calls only. An incoming call rings on extension A, the 2nd call rings on extension B, the 3rd call rings on C... This parameter activates / deactivates equal load for internal calls.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Activate Uniform Distribution and Parallel Ringing for Extension Calls Through EVM : -Activates / deactivates equal load and parallel ringing for calls coming through EVM200. -Normally they are deactivated if the call is first answered by EVM200.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Automatic Night Mode Parameters: ANM Active: First step to activate Night Mode on time basis. ANM Day Mode Start Time – Night Mode Start Time: Active only if ANM is active. Define Night Mode range on a day. ANM Weekly distribution: Activates Night Mode for days of the week.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Night Mode is active during weekend. Night Mode is active everyday between 12: :00 and also during weekends.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Auto-dial try count: Sets the number of recalls made by the system if an extension of the system activates the Auto-Dial facility. e.g. 10: The system calls the last called number 10 times. If the called number is found to be idle in any of these 10 calls, the call is connected to the relevant extension.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Automatic rural extension test active: The extension tests can be activated automatically at a predefined time of the day. (This time is defined under Tests and Reports menu.)
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Automatic trunk tests : Activates dial tone check on analog & E&M lines in each 10 minutes. (No dial tone > Line out of service)
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Auxiliary Clock: This is a read-only parameter. If the system is using the clock signal of an external device, this parameter is seen as Yes.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Busy State Response For Network Calls: This does not have a practical effect. It is programmed if requested by the service provider, and it affects messaging with service provider.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Call Record Filter: This parameter defines the types of the calls to be recorded during run time. (like international, long distance....)
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Call Record Type: -If set as “ACD excluded”, missed calls coming through Auto Attendant lines are not recorded as calls. -If set as “ACD included”, those calls are listed as well.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Call Transfer Details in Call Records: -Divides transferred call records into parts. -Divided records are marked as “T”. -Applies only for serial printer records.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS CRL Pulse Price Precision: -Can be programmed as “2 decimal digits”. -Decimal prices can be defined only through IDEA.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS CRL Time Filter: -The system starts to record outgoing external calls after this much time. -Cost of the call will be calculated after this duration as well.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Dial Tone Check After 8: -The system can be set to wait for the dial tone after the 8, which is the first digit of external number. -Dial tone after 8 is an application in old networks of CIS countries.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Display 3rd party number at line transfer to rural subscriber: -It is used to show one of the following: Only the number of transferring extension, The number of transferring extension & transferred party (Used only on rural extensions, in transfer of external calls.)
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Do not disturb mode: When the extensions activate Do Not Disturb facility, you can choose to ring them: -For once, or -No ring at all.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS DTMF-CLID Header & Footer: If required, characters (*, #, A, B, C, D) can be placed in front and at the end of Caller ID produced by EX200 (0/16C) card.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Duration format for serial printer: The duration of call records can be printed as: -hh:mm (e.g. 13:45), or -hh:mm:ss (e.g. 13:45:34) *Valid for serial printer outputs only.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Enter Night Mode at Unanswered Robop: -If the operators fail to answer the calls coming Auto Attendant line, Night Mode can be activated. -When noone answers the call, the call is disconnected after playing the Night Mode message. *To be used only on lines that are answered by EVM200.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Equal Load On Lines: -If not activated, the lines are used always starting from the first one. -If activated, the lines are used in order starting from the first one. e.g. The first call is made through line 1126, the second call is made through 1127, the third one through *Can take different values in Day / Night Modes.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Executive secretaries can reach each other: -Extensions with higher Intrusion Authority can directly call other extensions with call forwarding or cannot call them directly. *Valid for: - Extensions from different Executive Secretary Groups. - Secretary Mode Follow Me is active (89-coded facility).
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Extension calls parallel ringing: -Parallel ringing is active for external calls only. -By this program, it can be valid for internal calls as well. *Parallel ringing: - Next 10 extensions in your PBX group ring with your phone simultaneously.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS External ACD: -If you connect an external ACD system is connected to the system at extension ports, you write the first port access code here. -Other ports are included in the PBX group with this extension.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS For incoming trunk calls, KTS phone shows: This parameter can be used to see line number or external number of the incoming call. - Seeing line no instead of external no may be preferred by the operators. - This program effects only FT20 and LT200 users.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Forced greeting message for extensions: Can be used to play a message for all extension when they go off-hook. e.g. You can program the system to play “Happy New Year” message on the last day of the year. In order to that: - You first record that message to EVM Program that message number in this field. - When an extension lifts his handset, he will hear that message.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Generate call record for network calls: -Normally, calls on network mode lines are not recorded. -Using this program, the system can records those calls as well. *(See Line Parameters.PPT for network mode).
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Group PBX Mode (Indian compatibility): To be able to use monthly pulse limits in GPBX table, it is necessary to activate this parameter.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Hotel message operator: Used to define the extension that can use the code 740 to warn a hotel room extension. *740 coded facility can be activated only for the telephones that have Message Waiting Lamp.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Hotel Room / MINIBAR Service is: This parameter decides whether Minibar service can be activated after check-out or not. Minibar service is used to indicate minibar costs in call records.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Hotline delay time: Delayed hot line users have some time when they go off-hook, before hotline dialing takes place. This time can be programmed here. *For hot line definition, see Extension Parameters.PPT.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Incoming call filter: This parameter is used to define a filter to be applied for the Called Party Number for incoming calls through network mode lines.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Incoming calls with undefined called party / Operator for unmatched MSN calls: When a call is received for a number that does not exist in UAC table, you can: -Disconnect this call. -Ring it on the extension defined by the second program.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Intrusion After Listening To Music: Extensions can immediately start Intrusion after pressing 0, or they can wait for 10 seconds. Within 10 seconds, intruding extension hears music, and the talking parties hear warning tone.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Intrusion Type: Used to choose one of the following for the third party when Intrusion starts: -He can join the call (conference). -He is disconnected. -He waits on hold until the end of Intrusion.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Intrusion With 9 Active in PLC Mode: Used to decide if 9 can be used to activate intrusion in PLC Mode or not.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS KTS Active: This is a read-only parameter. If there is no problem on the serial data line of the system, this parameter is seen as Yes.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS LCR Active: It is necessary to program this parameter as “Yes” after filling LCR menu. Otherwise, routing will not take place.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Line auto-answer time: -When the operator is busy, the callers keep on hearing ringing tone. They might think that nobody is available. -This program makes the system play music after a period (e.g. 10 seconds). So, callers will understand that operator is busy.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Line-line conference: Programs one of the following when extension hangs up in line-line conference: -Conversation ends. - Two lines are connected to each other.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Listen line at pause with Dn filter: As the extension is waiting due to Dn filter of LCR, system can give him: -Silence, -Ring tone. *Dn: Wait for n seconds.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Log messages : These parameters are used to activate different logging levels. It is recommended to change these settings only when asked.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Music On Hold : An external music device can be connected to CPUKON and it can be activated for playing music to the parties on put hold.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS NC-Server active: This is a read-only parameter. It shows if Net Console server program is running or not.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Night Mode: Used to switch between Day and Night Modes. Number of line for serial printer output: Call records can be listed to serial printer as single line or two lines.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Operator Maintenance Mode: (Special program for Turkish army) Purpose is to guarentee that: -There is an answering extension in Night Mode code (to listen to a port without warning) does not work.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Outgoing Call Filter: This parameter is used to define a filter to be applied for the Calling Party Number for outgoing calls through network mode digital lines.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Pager base station connection: Not used.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Park return time: Parked calls return to the parking extension after the duration programmed by this parameter.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS PBX ring count: -When an extension does not answer a call, next extension in his PBX group starts to ring. -This program is used to determine non-answering duration. e.g. if set as 4, the call rings on an extension 4 times, then it starts ringing on the next extension in his PBX group.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS PLC Mode: (Special mode to be used with PLC lines) Purpose is to offer some features like Step-By-Step that are specific to PLC lines.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Programming Mode: This parameter is used to activate the programming mode of the system so that system supervisor can program the system through his telephone.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Relay Time Outs: These parameters show the activation times of two relays on CPUKON card. CPUKON card of DS200S / DS200M systems have only one relay.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Remote Modem Mode: This is a read-only parameter and shows the value of coded program : Connection to system by external modem is possible. Local connection cannot be used to receive logs : Remote maintenance by modem is not possible.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Required Ring Count for Changing Ring Cadence at Robop Operator Calls: -Ring cadence of operators can be changed after certain amount of ringing for the calls coming through Auto Attendant lines. -The purpose is to warn to operators that there is an unanswered call, which have been waiting for some time.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Ringback Tone Selection: Programs the ringback tone frequency as 500 Hz (normal) or a combination of 375, 400 and 425 Hz.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Robop Ring Count: -Programs the ringing time of an incoming call through Auto Attendant line. -After the programmed duration, No Answer Message is played to the caller.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Rural extension test values: These parameters set some values specific to rural extensions’ tests (e.g. time of tests, limits of measured values).
SYSTEM PARAMETERS S.Operator no: This is a read-only parameter to show the access code of the first extension of the system.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS S.System Supervisor no: Defines the extension which can program the system by dialing codes through his telephone.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Screened xfer to busy line returns to ACD: Activates EVM200 for transferred calls as follows: - A call comes from a normal line (not Auto Attendant). - It is transferred to an extension. - If the extension is busy / non-answering, EVM200 answers the call.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Subscriber Fast Alarm: –If an extension forgets his telephone as off-hook, the system gives alarm after 1 minute of error tone. –This parameter programs this duration as 15 seconds.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS System messages gain level: Increases / decreases the level of messages heard by extensions.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Timeout for screened transfer: When a transfer is made without talking, it returns back if the extension does not answer this call. This program determines the returning duration.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Tone after end of call: The tone heard by an an extension when his call is terminated by the other party can be programmed as: - Dial tone: extension can directly dial a new number, or - Error tone: extension must hang up and hang on to make a new call.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Tone detection parameters: -The system makes tone check on the analog lines, in order to understand the time when the other party hangs up. -This check is based on controls of ON duration within a certain period of time.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Example: Detector sensitivity: 15 sec. Required on duration: 6 sec. Window size: 14 sec. Within each 15 seconds, system checks the tone on line. If any tone remains ON for 6 seconds within 14 seconds, then line is disconnected.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Trunk-counter period: Used to define the duration between artificial charging units in very specific applications including connection to other systems over PRI or VoIP lines.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Trunk- detect ABCD tones: If the service provider is sending A, B, C, D tones, you can program the system to detect these signal. *The detection time of one of these signals is used as starting time of the call.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Unanswered line, after screened transfer: For transferred calls to non-answering extensions, one of the following options can be selected with this program: - Disconnect the call - Return back to the transferring extension within a programmable time.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Unanswered ringing duration: -Non answering or busy extensions can use EVM200, if they are authorized. -This program defines the non-answering duration of those extensions. -After the programmed duration, the caller will hear No Answer message of EVM200.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Unmatched Exchange Prefix Warning: -It is used in step-by-step facility of PLC lines. -With this program, when the Native ID dialed in an incoming call does not match the system’s Native ID, warning tone can be produced.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Waiting Call Warning Tone: -When the users have a second call, they hear warning tone through handset. -With this program, this tone can be chosen as one of the following: - long beep - short beep - no warning tone
SYSTEM PARAMETERS Waiting Before Transfer: -When an external call is transferred to an extension, the extension hears a short beep tone immediately after the transfer. -With this program, this tone can be removed.
SYSTEM PARAMETERS While an extension is ringing, external caller hears: When an external call is ringing on an extension, the tone heard by the external caller can be programmed as: - ringback tone, or - music