Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences International Workshop: Small Holder Timber Production Systems Future Research, Development and Advocacy Needs „Future Perspectives“ Herbert Hager
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Small Holder Timber Production Strength of ICRAF and other Dev.Pgms Germplasm... seeds, seedlings, propagation, training nurseries...local business and employment
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Small Holder Timber Production Strength of ICRAF and other Dev.Pgms Germplasm... Markets seeds, seedlings, propagationmarket led domestication, nurseries, trainingmarketing advisory, valuation associations, partnership
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Small Holder Timber Production Strength Germplasm... Markets seeds, seedlings, propagationmarket led domestication, nurseries, trainingmarketing advisory, valuation associations, partnership ?
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences These programs are strong, do we need a question mark ? Are we overlooking or missing something ? What is needed to prevail in the future ? What should be the strategies to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor through SHT-growing ?
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Problems which came up: Inventories, demand and supply studies...data could be better Organisation and Partnerships... the lore of equity Marketing... the role of intermediaries, valuation and management
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Problems which came up (cont.): Germplasm et al. Diversity, managment of tree crop, silviculture Legal issues... Country laws, logging bans, regulation of wood traffic and transport
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Future Perspectives and needs in R&D; training etc. Managment of tree crops: Create higher value between nursery and market (Pruning, spacing, tending, harvesting techniques) Match tree species and site conditions Develop multispecies and multipurpose tree crop mixtures (temporary admixtures, multipurpose.. Fod.fert.timb.mix). Ammend tree finder data base to give farm extension a design kit for farm use
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Future Perspectives and needs in R&D; training etc There is indigenous knowledge on trees and their utilzation... How about indigenous knowledge about trees and their ecological properties? Design multispecies tree mixtures which use synecological properties of trees in mixture and competition to produce quality timber,.... M.L.King (60s) : Less of plantation towards more of the natural forest! Develop more growth and yield tables by species, sites ecoregions to give the SHT Grower an idea, what he may expect in returns
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Future Perspectives and needs in R&D; training etc Diversification and empowerment: Communicate product quality along the production chain Develop alternatives and diversify products on farm Value added chains, support local enterpreneurship, create trade marks e.g. Kenya Small Holder Farm Timber Give environmental credits to SHT Growers Easy to administer C-credits for on farm tree growing Transfers for contributions to sustaining biodiv. Or other enviroservices
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Department of Forest and Soil Sciences Train and train and communicate and communicate and stimulate etc. And to the SHT Grower: You should try harder and do better „Charly Brown“!