Project 1 - Finding courses at UC Irvine Extension Deeksha Malhotra Liana Nakamura James Rose
Project 1 Conducting usability study Subjects are asked to sign in at UCI Extension website Locate the courses for which they had registered Studying navigation issues only (not content)
Usability Issues Examining usability issues encountered while trying to locate class website: – Intuitive navigation – Overall clarity – Precise text-presentation – Advance Information
Initial Impressions Cluttered with many links – Links at top, left/right hand columns, center Redundancy Advance Information Links should clearly indicate destination
Initial Impressions Cluttered with many links Redundancy – Links repeated several times Advance Information Links should clearly indicate destination
Initial Impressions Cluttered with many links Redundancy Advance Information – Links should indicate that they are links Links should clearly indicate destination
Initial Impressions Cluttered with many links Redundancy Advance Information Links should clearly indicate destination – “Courses” links don’t go to the user’s courses
Purpose of Usability Studies See if our initial impressions are true Find any other HCI issues that arise while users navigate from the login screen to their online classes Find how users can avoid these issues
Methods to finding the answer As stated in our project description, we will be doing the following: Find a participant who is between the ages of 35-55, lives locally, and is well-educated. At the moment, we are planning to have a total of 3 participants. Ask him/her to sign into the UCI Extension website ( and look for the courses we specify (the courses that us group members are registered for). Have our user think aloud so that we may record his/her navigation and analyze it later.
4 Phases User testing Analysis of user’s comments and recommendations for changes Implementation of changes in the form of a mockup Re-evaluation
Questions Before the project – Can you find the specified class on the UCI Extension website? After the project – How easy or difficult did you find it to find the class? – Are there any obvious changes you would recommend for the website?
Contacting Users We will contact people who fit into the desired age group such as friends, parents, and friend’s parents We will contact our participants either by phone or . Our group will meet the participants at a place of their convenience. The meeting will last about 20 minutes (5 minutes to explain the project, 10 minutes for the user to find the classes, and 5 minutes for a follow-up). Since we have a re-evaluation phase, we will need two meetings per participant. Therefore, the total time needed from our participants is 40 minutes.
Tentative Schedule
Any Questions? Thank You for your time!