Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals
Environmental education Fisheries Forestry & wood sciences Range Recreation Waste management Water & watersheds Coastal resources & Sea Grant Climate change Wildlife Sustainable living Energy Related disciplines A national association for cooperative extension professionals in:
Members may be active or retired Extension employees at the county, area, state, or national level Dues are $45 a year, $22.50 for students, or $225 for life membership for retirees
President – Mike Kuhns, UT President-elect – Eleanor Burkett, MN Past President - Jeff Schalau, AZ Secretary – Ursula Smedly, NM Treasurer – Dean Solomon, MI Executive Secretary – Bill Hubbard, GA Regional Representatives: Southern Region – Brenda Allen, AL Western Region – Amy Grotta, OR Northeast Region – Sandy Smith, PA Northcentral Region – Duane Friend, IL
Bring Extension professionals together to discuss mutual natural resource issues, needs, and opportunities. Advance natural resources Extension through continuing education for Extension professionals.
Promote cooperation among states and regions, agencies, associations, and businesses on natural resource education programs. Develop, sponsor, and promote education and training programs that advance natural resource management. Strengthen communication with Extension administrators.
Biennial national conference (even years). Members receive a reduced rate; professional development and opportunities to make national presentations. Travel scholarship program helps defray the costs of attending the biennial conference. Opportunities to network with natural resources colleagues. National awards program. President’s Award, Early Career Leadership Award, Career Leadership Award, Individual Program Leadership Award, Outstanding Team Award, and a variety of Outstanding Educational Materials Awards. National listserv for sharing information about job openings and more.
Searchable member directory on website. Quarterly electronic newsletter including information about programming tools and successes. Database of sustainability teaching tools on website. A voice for natural resources at the national level through Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) participation. JCEP provides direct input to ECOP (Extension Committee on Organization and Policy) and other Extension administrative units. JCEP sponsors an annual leadership conference, the Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference, and the Galaxy conference every five years. Participation on the Board of the Journal of Extension (JOE;
Pay your dues annually. Recruit new members. Volunteer to be state champion. Stay involved in organization. Attend 2012 conference North Carolina (visit Volunteer to help with conferences, serve on a committee, or to serve in a leadership role. my work in a new subject area – sustainable living – I needed advice from colleagues in many fields - forestry, environmental ed, biology, energy. What other organization offers such a range of expertise? (Viviane Simon-Brown, Oregon State Univ.) ...I want to have a voice in what’s going on in my profession at the national level (Mike Kuhns, Utah State Univ.) ...I’ve gained access to a great pool of knowledge, a place to go where they “talk my language,” and a group of co- workers who believe what we are doing is worth doing. (Adam Downing, Penn State Univ.)
...natural resources is a “growth area” for Cooperative Extension, and ANREP is a professional organization that ensures that natural resources is represented within extension. (Gary Goff, Cornell Univ.) represents natural resource extension Professionals on a national level through JCEP and ECOP. (Mike Kroenke, Univ. of Minnesota) brings together extension professionals who share common visions and challenges. (James Finley, Penn State Univ.)’s been exciting to see an organization grow and develop that includes all disciplines that deal with natural resources. (Deborah Hill, Univ. of Kentucky)
Website: Listserv: to join to post a message Mailing address: ANREP c/o Bill Hubbard Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources University of Georgia Athens, GA