Query Health Technical WG 4/26/2012
Agenda TopicTime Slot Administrative stuff and reminders2:05 – 2:10 pm RI and Spec Updates2:10 – 2:20 pm HQMF to Procedural Translation Model2:20 – 2:50 pm Query Envelope Changes2:50 – 3:00 pm
Administrative Reminders None
Specification Updates Query Envelope Feedback from comments have been incorporated into the Envelope. Ready for Consensus HQMF Implementation Guide Updates based on F2F feedback is in progress, along with the incorporation of the new outline Expect to have a version for the community feedback early next week QRDA Implementation Guide Updates based on F2F feedback is in progress Expect to have a version for the community feedback early next week
RI Update PopMedNet Working on i2B2 – PMN Integration Getting ready for FDA Pilot instantiation using PopMedNet i2B2 Combined Ontologies from SHRINE, Demo and SMARTApp and provided to NY DOH Pilot Working on Reverse Translator (HQMF to i2b2) using the Intermediate Translation model. hQuery Review of the Intermediate Translation model Performing work on Temporal relationships
RI Update PopMedNet Working on i2B2 – PMN Integration Getting ready for FDA Pilot instantiation using PopMedNet i2B2 Combined Ontologies from SHRINE, Demo and SMARTApp and provided to NY DOH Pilot Working on Reverse Translator (HQMF to i2b2) using the Intermediate Translation model. hQuery Review of the Intermediate Translation model Performing work on Temporal relationships
HQMF to Procedural Translator UML Model (Intermediate Model) UML Model : HQMF Intermediate UML Model.docx XSD: HQMF Intermediate.xsd Sample XML for NQF0059 : NQF59_IntermediateRepresentation.xml Will eventually be posted to the Google Code Repository once it is finalized.
Differences between Improved HQMF and Translator XML - Demographics ageBetween17and64 AGE ageBetween17and64 Improved HQMF – Age Criteria Translator Intermediate XML - Age
Differences between Improved HQMF and Translator XML - Demographics genderMale GENDER genderMale Improved HQMF - GenderTranslator Intermediate XML - Gender
Differences between Improved HQMF and Translator XML - Encounters AmbulatoryEncounter AmbulatoryEncounter PREVSUM EAS Improved HQMFTranslator Intermediate XML
Differences between Improved HQMF and Translator XML - Problems HasPolycysticOvaries HasPolycysticOvaries SAS Improved HQMFTranslator Intermediate XML
Differences between Improved HQMF and Translator XML - Medications DiabetesMedSupplied DiabetesMedSupplied SAS EVN Improved HQMFTranslator Intermediate XML
Differences between Improved HQMF and Translator XML - LabResults HbA1Cgt9 HbA1Cgt9 RECENT Improved HQMFTranslator Intermediate XML
Differences between Improved HQMF and Translator XML – PopulationCriteria AtLeastOneTrue AllTrue AtLeastOneTrue Improved HQMFTranslator Intermediate XML
Query Envelope Changes Changed datatypes to use w3c XML datatypes instead of ISO data types Eliminated Length constraints from Enumerated values Added Security Related Metadata and Referenced HL7 value sets for PurposeOfUse, ConfidentialityCode, Obligation and Refrain Policies. Changed some of the constraints from MUST to a SHOULD based on the consensus feedback.
Next Steps Consensus Voting Please submit your votes for Query Envelope when the consensus call is issued Specification Usage Review the HQMF To Procedural Translator UML Model/XSD and XML and provide comments Volunteers requiring access to the code repository Please sign up for a google account at Project Repository - Sign up for the RI at