TOLNet/UAH Station Report – Operation, Upgrade, and Future Plan TOLNet Working Group Meeting, NOAA/ESRL/CSD, Boulder, CO June 16 15:30, Shi Kuang 1, Mike Newchurch 1, John Burris 2, Clayton Craft 1, David Bowdle 1, Guanyu Huang 1 1 UAHuntsville, 2 NASA/GSFC 1 UAHuntsville, 2 NASA/GSFC UAH Robert Cramer Research Hall TOLNet
Outline Recent Hardware Development Publications Lidar Operation Funding Sources Future Plan
Recent Hardware Change After 14 May 2013, the dye laser transmitter was upgraded to a Raman- shifted laser transmitter at 289 and 299 nm for its easy installation, robustness, and good conversion efficiency. Correspondingly, the previous nm band-pass solar filter was replaced by a 300-nm short-pass filter (for all receivers) accommodating the laser wavelength change. Transmitter and solar filter Previous: 532 YAG pumped dye lasers ( nm) Current: 266 YAG pumped Raman- shifted ( nm) 266 Pump
High-alt PMT and Narrow-band Filter On 26 August 2014, the Hamamatsu PMTs replaced the EMI PMTs for the 40-cm receiver so that all the PMTs for the lidar were Hamamatsu (either R7400U or R9880U). On 22 October 2014, the narrow band filters at 289 and 299 nm replaced the 300- nm short-pass filter to reduce the daytime solar background to extend the highest daytime measurable altitude to ~12 km. Hamamatsu R9880 EMI 9813
Receiving Optics Receiving System for the Scanning O3 Lidar PMT Beam steering unit ’’ Receiver 10/90 Beamsplitter Bandpass filter Licel TR PD Function generator Gate Trigger PMT Trigger PMT Dichroic Beamsplitter /289
UAH scanning ozone lidar Vixen telescope (30cm) Licel Raman cell Pump laser Function generator Receiving optics and PMT
Recent Referred Publication Wang, L., M. Cook, M. J. Newchurch, K. Pickering, A. Pour- Biazar, S. Kuang, W. Koshak, H. Peterson (2015), Tropospheric ozone lidar data evaluation of the lightning-induced ozone enhancement simulated by the WRF/Chem model, Atmospheric Environment, 115, , doi: /j.atmosenv Huang, G., M. J. Newchurch, S. Kuang, P. I. Buckley, W. Cantrell, and L. Wang (2015), Definition and determination of ozone laminae using Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) analysis, Atmospheric Environment, 104, , doi: /j.atmosenv
Year Days UAH O3 lidar webpage Data Status Total operational days May 2-3, 2014
Funding Sources Major: NASA HQ TOLNet program for routine operation and scientific study Minor: UAH Research Infrastructure Fund Program for truck and box modification Minor: UAH Individual Investigator Distinguished Research (IIDR) Program for mobile system development
Planned Mobile Lab Figure 1. Planned UAH mobile air-quality laboratory for simultaneous ozone and aerosol profiling. This mobile platform will include accommodations for a scanning ozone lidar with two telescopes for measuring different altitudes, an aerosol lidar, an ozonesonde station, and a surface air-pollutant measurement complement.
Layout of the Planned RO 3 QUET Lidar 16’’ telescope Raman cells Kickout mirrors for scanning 4’’ telescope 1’’ receiver Kickout mirrors for zenith Flip mirror