Sponsorship Information The SEDPO Eagles is a non-profit organization. Our identification number: If you would like to make a donation, our account information is: /2700 Please contact Sharon for more information and/or a tax deductible receipt, at 1
What We Offer Sponsors Unique PR opportunity for a company wanting to “give back” to the community Excellent opportunity for an international organization to promote hockey and education –Ties in well with the Hockey World Championships –Promotes hockey in a group overlooked by the Czech International Hockey Association Sponsor logos on the home page of the website For those most generous sponsors, logos on jersey sleeves 2
What We Offer Sponsors “Thank You” banner in the Prague 6, Hvezda arena –Hvezda has +/-266 players ages 4 to adult –Hosts domestic and international camps, skating schools and public skating hours –Organizes domestic and international tournaments for youth and adults in Europe –Has received national TV coverage of its tournaments “Thank you” plaque and photo for Sponsors As a non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible. 3
Who Are We? Sharon Machuga Chelko, Operations Director –International MBA, Thunderbird –Former Consultant with PWC & D&T; VC in Poland; M&A in Silicon Valley Contact: (420)
We Are … 5