What was it….. It was very simple….. isolationist Whereas before WW2 the USA had been isolationist and not been involved in Europe….NOW…… Because of the fear of Communism the USA was prepared to intervene throughout the world to protect democracy against communism….$400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey By lending equipment, advice etc ( and eventually military force) The main aim was to stop communism spreading further; conflict is democracy vs. totalitarianism CONTAINMENT This policy was called CONTAINMENT
Was Truman telling the truth? Some Republicans expressed the fear that Truman’s monetary and military actions would lead to war with Russia Although the Greek Communist had been getting help from the Yugoslav Communists, there was no aid from Stalin who had promised in the Yalta agreement to leave Greece to Britain The Greek and Turkish governments were both corrupt and non- democratic and unlikely to change despite American intervention
THE MARSHALL PLAN 1947 (Marshall Aid) What was it? An American response to the poverty and hardship in post war Europe Who was Marshall? An American General and American Secretary of State, sent to assess the economic state of Europe, later to become Secretary of State
Details Economies in ruins Shortages of goods Bread still rationed Coal shortages – in GB electricity cuts each day It was thought that these were the conditions in which communism thrived WHY?
Marshall’s reaction Lend $13 billion to Europe = $100 billion today Congress against it UNTIL Czechoslovakia became Communist and death of Jan Masaryk 1948 – Plan passes by Congress – to last four years
What a nice gesture by the Americans. Yes BUT….. The aid came in the form of goods made by American firms So there was an element of American self- interest to prevent another depression in USA Aid was offered to Soviet Union and satellite states as well
And Stalin He hated Marshall Aid!! Forbade Eastern European countries from having anything to do with it Regarded as anti-Communist Feared that it might weaken his hold on Eastern Bloc and Eastern countries would swing to the US dollar Soviet alternative was Comecom (Council of Mutual Economic Assistance) starting in January 1949