By Dominick Ciro
The career I have chosen is a Lawyer. I have chosen this career because lawyers argue cases and get freedom of speech. They also make lots of money if they win cases. It will be interesting to hear the story’s of defendants. It is a busy schedule also that I want to deal with. Also, I will get to argue. I love to argue, and I would win. My job is about lawsuits and cases that need to be argued. If there was no lawyer in a case than the victim accused of the crime would lose automatically because they would have no way of arguing their case. I help out people who are accused of a crime.
My yearly income is about $85,000 being nice. After taxes really only end up with $59,500. When I use that money I will make sure to use it wisely, and not waste my money on stuff that I really don’t need to live with.
Net monthly income is about $4, Now, when I am spending this money I want to make sure not to go over and have to pay the bank. I am going to buy the things I need to live a have a happy life.
ExpenseChoice #1Choice #2Total Cost Rent1 Bedroom = $ bedroom = $ $ PhoneHouse = $40.00Cell = $50.00$90.00 Electric$80.00 Cable/InternetBasic = $45.00Advanced = $90.00$45.00 HeatIncluded in Rent --- Car PaymentBasic = $300.00Luxury = $500.00$300.00, Honda Civic Car Insurance$ $80.00 Gasoline$ Credit Cards$ $ Food$75-$150+ $ Student Loans4 year = $200 Grad School = $ Medical School = $ $ Miscellaneous Cash$400Baseball gear and iPod. Playstation3 $ SavingsChoiceTotal Vacation$ Holiday$50.00 Retirement?$50.00 Monthly expense planning chart: Monthly Savings Planning Chart:
My net monthly income is still $4, In a month my bills that I racked up got me at $2,656. That includes my savings which are $150 for retirement, vacation and holiday. I used enough money to still have about $1,500 in my savings.