PATLive Auto Attendant your hosted virtual PBX solution This demonstration will progress automatically. To proceed faster, press the spacebar. To back up, right-click and choose “previous”.
What options do callers have? Reach an employee’s extension Transfer to another phone Hear a recorded message Leave a message Send or receive a fax Speak to a Live Receptionist Depending on what you offer them, they may:
How do I set this up? All options can be configured right on the website. Quick-reference icons show you what remains to configure.
You select which action each of the main menu buttons will perform. You may have a prompt play before the action occurs. (“Please hold while we transfer you to our shipping department.”)
You create extensions for your employees and departments.
Schedule how calls should be handled based on time of day and day of the week. Each extension can be separately configured.
Custom Live Receptionist script Opening greeting Closing script Business hours Office location Employee contacts And more You tell us what you want PAT to say and do during a Live Receptionist call.
A user-friendly layout helps you quickly and easily configure your script.
Live Receptionist scripts are also available for department or employee extensions at no additional monthly charge.
PATLive’s Auto Attendant keeps all your employees connected with just one number. Your $69.95 per month service fee includes as many employee and department extensions as you need. Sign up today!
Demonstration Line Hear how the Auto Attendant can work for you: