LCES Advisory Leadership System… The role of advisory leadership councils in Extension’s programming process
Objectives Review the mission of LCES Learn about Extension’s advisory process & why you were chosen to participate Learn about your role in this group Introduce you to the LCES programming process …and finally, to say Thanks!!!
LCES Mission Extension makes a difference in people’s lives by addressing their needs through educational programs based on sound research.
Purpose of Extension’s Advisory Leadership System (ALS) Obtain stakeholder input Leadership development Create public awareness of the value of extension & its programs
Why You Were Chosen Leadership Respected Expertise Connectedness
ALC Member Roles Legitimizer Ambassador Advisor
Your Responsibilities Represent your peers in the community ID needs & issues facing your peers Provide program direction ID opportunities for collaboration Be active Understand LCES Share your skills & talents
Member Qualifications Sincere interest in your community Knowledge of the issues Rapport with local clientele Ability to function within a group
The LCES Programming Process InputsOutputsOutcomes Situation Analysis Priority Setting
OUTCOMESINPUTS Programmatic Investments OUTPUTS ActivitiesParticipation ShortMediumLong term EVALUATION PLANNING Logic Model (1)
Outcomes--Impact Short Medium Long Term Term Term LCES Logic Model based on Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models by University of Wisconsin Extension LCES Organization Development & Evaluation Unit 01/2006 AssumptionsExternal Factors Outputs Activities Participation Inputs Conditions Social Economic Civic Environ- mental Action Behavior Practice Decision- making Policies Social action Learning Awareness Knowledge Attitudes Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivations Who we reach Clients Agencies Decision-makers Customers What we do Workshops, meetings Deliver services Develop resources curriculum, products Train Provide counseling Assess Facilitate Partner Work with media What we invest Staff Volunteers Time Money Research base Materials Equipment Technology Partners Indicators Measures of progress toward outcomes ALC Input SITUATIONSITUATION PRIORITIESPRIORITIES Logic Model for Extension Programming
State Program Teams/ ACE Groups ID & prioritize state client needs ID targeted outcomes ID indicators of success ID inputs & outputs Agents develop Plans of Work ID & prioritize local client needs Advisory councils Focus groups Personal insight Other data collection methods Research & evaluation ALC input Extension Programming Cycle
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