Col. Milton M. Kaufmann 30 Yrs. Air Force Service Volunteer Conversationalist Since 1971 Founder & Cofounder: – WIDECAST, Monitor USA, Monitor International, ASOC, NGO Coalitions Legislative Leadership & Involvement – Protecting Marine Mammals – Species Population Recovery Plans – SPAW - Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife – Commercial Fishing Problems: Tuna/Porpoise Sea Turtle-shrimp(the Turtle Excluder Device) – Conservation Of The North Pacific Fur Seal
The vision of WIDECAST Working together to realize a future where all inhabitants of the Wider Caribbean Region, human and sea turtle alike, can live together in balance.
Focus Field Research Conservation, Management and Policy Training and Capacity-Building Environmental Education Outreach
Field Research, Rescue, Tracking
1 out of every 1000 will reach adult maturity
Protecting Against Predation
Restoring Seagrass & Mangroves
Beach Clean Up
Reducing Poaching
Hawksbill 1 of 81 Saved
WIDECAST is rooted in the belief that conservation must be nurtured from within, it cannot be commanded from outside. Programs emphasize information-sharing, encouraging a technical understanding of sea turtle biology and organizations.