1 HCC Performance and Finance Monitor 4th Quarter 2010/2011 Policy, Resources & Performance Cabinet Panel: 15 th June 2011
2 Recommendations report pages 1 to 2 revenue carry forwards totalling £1.395m together with the treatment of grant carry forwards of £15.588m the transfer of £8m of this year’s underspend into the Invest to Transform Fund to fund the one-off costs relating to changes in non-school staff Terms & Conditions the transfer of £8m of this year’s underspend to a new Waste PFI Reserve to recognise the risks that arise from such a major complex project. an increase of £0.756m to the General Fund balance bringing to £18.134m if the above are agreed capital slippage on committed schemes to be carried forward into 2011/12 Allocation of the 2010/11 Schools Budget underspend to support slippage on schools capital expenditure programmes funded from revenue of £4m and to support the remaining shortfall on the standards fund allocations for 2010/11.
3 Finance Headlines Year end: Revenue underspend £ million £5.723 million in Q3 Capital budget expenditure estimated £ million below latest budget. Includes slippage of £ million report pages 3 to 9
4 Commercial / Procurement Headlines UK economy grew by 0,5% in Q4, almost offsetting the 0.5% contraction in Q3. Inflation: Mar CPI 4.0% (3.7% in Dec), RPI 5.3% (4.8% in Dec) Energy prices rose 30% Jan to March with further rises anticipated report pages 14 to 17
5 Support Economic Wellbeing report page 19 Economic Participation programme now rated Green, overall, achieved 22% above target. Inflationary pressures outlined above are of concern Rise of approx 10% in Job centre Plus vacancies comparing March 2011 with March 2010
6 Maximise Independent Living Older People and Physical Disability (OPPD) Purchasing – increase in overspend to £4.296m in Q4 compared to £4.160 million in Q3 Learning Disability purchasing budget – an increase in overspend to £2.279m in Q4 compared to £1.4m in Q3. Various slippages incl £4.524m on Quantum Care reprovision, £847k on Campus reprovision grant. report pages 21 to 22
7 report page 23
8 Significant improvement on 2009/10 to 50.0%, meeting the ambitious target. NI Social Care clients receiving Self Directed Support per 100,000 population (Year to date) report page 24
9 Ensure a Positive Childhood Independent Placements (Social Care and Fostering Providers) –overspend of £2.589m in Q4 compared to £1.926m overspend in Q3 Safeguarding Services Pay – a planned underspend of £2.168m in Q4 compared to an underspend of £1.505m in Q3 Contextual data for the quarter shows a continued trend of reduction in numbers of CPP, CLA, initial assessments. Annual unannounced inspection of Children’s Services Referral and Assessment arrangements – very positive signs – announcement tomorrow report pages 26 to 29
10 Secure a Good Education for All Independent Placements (Education) – Schools Budget – an increase in a planned under-spend to £3.192m in Q4 compared to £2.78 million in Q3. Significant increases in underspends - inclusion services £1.463m - admission and transport £1.294m - early intervention £461k - district partnership services £622k - services of young people £997k. - Performance and Business Support £1.387m Schools - Warren Dell now good; notice to improve removed. Fearnhill Secondary judged inadequate, in special measures. Radburn Primary School judged inadequate, notice to improve. report pages 30 to 34
11 NI 99: Looked after children reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2 (Academic Year) report page 34 This result (51.0%), based on 35 children, shows good improvement on 2009/10. Though still below our target, this is now again better than the national average.
12 Reduce Carbon Emissions Planning to adapt to climate change - Level two has been comfortably achieved, meeting the target set for 2010/11. Sufficient progress has been made to report the achievement of level three requirements, well ahead of the targeted date. report page 36
13 Promote Safe Neighbourhoods report pages 37 to 38 Figures for repeat incidents of domestic violence show a fall overall to 11.32% in Q4. Well below 2009/10 and the target levels.
14 NI 48 - Children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents (Year to Date – Calendar Year) report page Target Following concerns raised in Q2, the numbers of children at Q4 (43) are well below the target of 56 for the year.
15 Injuries as a result of fire (Year to Date) report page 37 The number of casualties (64) is well below the 2009/10 level, representing a 13.5% reduction and is also well below the target of 72..
16 Be a Leading Council report pages 39 to 46 Transport Planning and Policy & Strategy- a planned underspend of £1.881m in Q4 compared to a underspend of £107,000 in Q3. Property & Technology – a planned underspend of £2.136m in Q4 compared to an underspend of £1.298m in Q3. A number of slippages to capital projects incl. for Automatic Vehicle Location/Realtime Passenger Transport Information of £1.591m. Carriageway Maintenance – Maintenance Programme status moved from Amber to Red and Condition Targets status remains ‘red’.
17 report page 44 Agency Spend as a Percentage of the Staffing Budget - HCC Overall (rolling year) Mar 10 Jun 10 Sep 10 Dec 10 Mar 11 Biggest % fall in HCS of 2.1%. A significant fall in agency spend figures in Q4, down by over £3m since Dec 10 to a level of £18.8m for the year (6.4%). Target 7.2%
18 Number of Advertised Vacancies over the past 12 months (rolling year) The sustained fall in vacancies has continued in Q4, with total numbers falling by 858 since March Of note, a sharp fall in adult’s social worker vacancies. report page 44