Promoting Youth Employment AER Peer Review Jude Robinson Children’s Services Dept Area Manager, Post-14 Learning
Hampshire Economy Population: 1.28 million Key sectors: Finance and business services; public administration, education and health; retail, hotels and catering Unemployment: (16-65 yrs) 2.4%, compared to UK rate of 3.9% Job vacancies: Estimated 27, claimants for every vacancy, compared to 1.7 in UK
Youth Unemployment UK youth unemployment (16-24yrs) 21.9% (ILO definition) Hampshire youth unemployment 4.2% (JSA claimant rate) young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) 5.2% Variations in districts –some areas with high levels of youth unemployment and NEETs
Key challenges Raising the Participation Age (RPA) vulnerable learners at risk of disengaging in school NEETS young unemployed
What we are doing? Raising the Participation Age – Framework Plan Working Futures: Employment initiatives Youth Support Service: Targeted, commissioned and sold Building on partnership approach and work with voluntary sector
Examples of projects Internship Plus for care leavers Award programme for ex-offenders Gosport College for NEETS Prince’s Trust for entrepreneurship
Lessons from PYE Hampshire Youth Employment Plan – integrated with RPA Framework Developing ‘Working Futures’ – Hampshire’s role as an employer Youth Employment Conference – giving young people a voice