Jenny Lawless Careers Education Information Advice and Development Advisor Supporting schools in the development of Careers Education Guidance
CEIAG Advisor: Seconded to the Local Authority to work with schools, colleges and PRU’s to develop: Careers Education (CE) Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) on learning and work The CEIAG workforce (including non specialist ‘first line’ providers of IAG e.g. teachers, mentors, key workers NTA’s)
By the end of today's session you will know: How to access resources and lessons to support careers education programmes Understand the aim of the local authority and the support available to school to help develop and support the delivery of CEIAG. Resources available to support the delivery of careers education (CE) and information advice & guidance (IAG) Where to get further support advice or information
From Sept 2012 schools will become responsible for: Tracking pupil destinations (RPA) Ensuring pupils have access to Independent, Impartial Career Guidance Destination results will be published
Careers guidance – usually 1-to-1 or small group – enables yp to make informed decisions Careers education – curriculum subject – usually class groups – PSHE education/ careers lessons, etc. NEED BOTH!!
Self Awareness (Realistic) Learning styles Personal qualities Skills Opportunity Awareness (Informed) Courses Qualifications Progression Routes into learning/work Decision Making (Career Management) Transition (Destination)
The Six Principles Good quality impartial careers education Helps young people to progress Provides comprehensive information and advice Raises aspirations Empowers young people to plan and manage their own futures Responds to the needs of each learner Actively promotes equality of opportunity and challenges stereotypes
Personal wellbeing/Economic wellbeing and financial capability Personal wellbeingEconomic wellbeing and financial capability PSHECareers education Sex and relationships educationWork-related learning, including Enterprise Drug and alcohol educationPersonal finance education Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being
Accurate impartial CE and IAG plays a vital role in raising aspirations, attainment and the successful progression of learners into post 16 destinations (learning/work) Everyone has a role to play in providing accurate, up to date, impartial IAG on learning and work Main influencers: Parents/carers, teachers, peers, mentors, NTA’s, key workers and careers guidance professionals All play an important part in influencing the decisions of learners. IAG is not additional, its integral to the work you already do with young people!
Resources and further information Careers Education Guidance section for CEIAG resources and BT Moving On PSHE lessons, videos, activities Local learning and work information and Online applications and course Local options booklets – download from the iEducation sections on (New site launched ) contact Careers lessons/activities (Teaching & Learning tab)
What Next - Careers Education: Develop careers lessons and activities to include: Self Awareness – Kudos, Individual Learning Plan (ILP)? Opportunity Awareness - links to: I could, careersbox, uexplore, Next Step, ibrowserotherham, apply Career Management – Applications interviews, CV, (Next Step, ibrowserotherham, BT Moving On Consider who/how lessons will be quality assured/monitored.
What Next - Guidance: Where is ‘first line’ guidance is provided in your organisation (induction, progress reviews, KS3/4 options?) Who provides it? Have they received training? How does ‘in school’ guidance link with guidance provided by external providers ie Connexions? How can guidance provided be used to support qualifications delivered ie ASDAN Employability etc? Are academic/progress reviews (guidance interventions) monitored/reviewed? Who does this/when? How are the results of monitors used to make changes/developments?