Ms. Gaines Crossroad Academy Charter School of Business Welcome to a Great Year!!!
About Me I graduated from Florida State University with BS in Child Development in I also have a masters degree from Ashford University in Early Childhood Education. I am the youngest of three girls. I have a little one myself named Nevaeh.
Classroom Expectations I have high expectations for all of my students. I expect all students to: – Arrive on time ready to learn. – Always try your best. – Maintain a positive attitude. – Follow the class rules and producers.
Field Trips – We will be taking at least one field trip a month with the exception of December. – Fundraisers will be held throughout the year to try and offset some of the prices. – Parental participation is greatly appreciate and encouraged
Behavior Management Green is for wonderful behavior First Time (yellow): Name on the board (warning) Second Time (blue): One check- 10 minutes Teacher Detention Third Time (orange): Two checks- 20 minutes Teacher Detention Fourth Time (purple): Three checks- 30 minutes Teacher Detention and parents called Fifth Time (red): Four checks- 45 minutes Teacher Detention, referral written, and student sent to the office *Severe disruptions: Students sent immediately to the office.
Reading Wonders Wonders is aligned to the new Common Core Standards All students will receive a username and password to access the Wonders Webpage. Students login information will be provided tonight.
Math This year we adopted a new math curriculum through McGraw-Hill called MyMath. MyMath is aligned with the new Florida Standards. Students will receive login information tonight.
Social Studies We will review a number of topic this year in Social Studies. Students will have two projects due in Social Studies. One in October during Hispanic Heritage Month and the other in February during Black History month.
Science We will be using National Geographic to cover topics in Science.
A Look at Our Day Schedule 7:45-8:00 Homeroom 8:00-8:40 Social Studies 8:45-9:30 Spanish/PE 9:35-10:20 Science 10:30-11:00 Lunch 11:05-1:30 Language Arts 1:35-2:20 Math 2:30 Dismissal *Restroom Breaks 8:05 and 11:30
Assessments FAIR- Progress Monitoring assessment taken three times a year. Focuses on Reading. i-Ready Diagnostics- September and May SAT-10 Assessment take the Spring
Homework M ATH H OMEWORK : Math homework is assigned 3-4 times each week. Typically the students will complete the problem set. G RAMMAR HOMEWORK : Grammar homework will be assigned 2-3 times per week S PELLING H OMEWORK : Students will receive spelling homework 2-3 times Other Homework- Other homework will be assigned as needed. A copy of the homework log can be found under the “forms” section on
Promotion Requirements From Kindergarten to Grade 1 A student must receive passing grades in the areas of reading, language arts, mathematics, and demonstrate progress in process writing, science, and social studies.
Contact address: Phone: School web address:
Materials Students need: Headphones- We will begin using the computer lab on Wednesday. Please make sure your student has headphones at school no later that TUESDAY. ( I am willing to purchase headphones for students, however, I am requesting that parents submit $5 by Friday, August 29, 2014). Crayons- Only a few students have brought in crayons. Please send in a box of crayons. Planners= $5.00 planner fees are past due.
Year Long Pacing Guides Language Art, Math, Science, and Social Studies pacing guides can be found on our class webpage at
Wish List Grade Level Chapter Books Pillows, beans or chairs for reading area Fine tip dry erase markers Small dry erase boards (we need a class set) Incentive Stickers Items for our treasure box
Looking forward to a Wonderful School Year!!