Time Management From Proposal to Dissertation Defense
Time Management in 4 General Steps Step 1 Set your goals! (short term and long term goals) Step 2 Think about how will you reach your goals Step 3 Think about how you spend time now & how to maximize that time Step 4 Implement and monitor the plan Plan for the unexpected all along the way
Step 1: Set Your Goals Short-term goals – Between proposal preparation and dissertation defense Are there additional skills you need? Do you need time to build strong community relationships to access your sample? Get approved to conduct your dissertation Finishing the dissertation Long-term goals – Where do you see yourself after you graduate and in 5 years? Publishing from your dissertation Obtaining a job (post-doctoral fellowship, academia, industry, other)
Example Dissertation Timeline – Proposed Meet key stakeholders at the 4 sites to discuss project goals August 2011 Obtain IRB Approval September 2011 Pilot questionnaire & semi-structure interview guide September October 2011 Train the research assistant September 2011 Start recruitment and screening for eligiblity September December 2011 Obtain ICF, conduct research-adminsterd questionnire Data collection Transcription, thematic analysis, and survey data entry Ongoing data entry and analysis Clean and finalize data analysis January February 2012 Final data write up, manuscripts, lay & formal presentations March June 2012
Example Dissertation Timeline – Actual Meet key stakeholders at the 4 sites to discuss project goals August 2011 Obtain IRB Approval October 2011 Pilot questionnaire & semi-structure interview guide October 2011 Train the research assistant September 2011 Start recruitment and screening for eligiblity October April 2011 Obtain ICF, conduct research-adminsterd questionnire Data collection Transcription, thematic analysis, and survey data entry Ongoing data entry and analysis Clean and finalize data analysis May 2012 Final data write up, manuscripts, lay & formal presentations May July 2012
Other Considerations Finding a job Delay in data collection Numerous revisions – from the committee and the university College deadlines
SMART Goals Apply SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) S For each goal ask the 5Ws (who, what, where, when, which) M How will you track your progress and stay on track? A/R Consult with fellow peers, mentors, and advisor T Ground your goals with a time frame
Practice Time Set your goals
Step 2: Think About… How Will You Reach Your Goals? Task 1 – Know the Rules of the Program (formal and informal) Become familiar with department, college, and university deadlines (each are different) Committee & time/turn around Anticipate completing all (or majority at a min) data collection and analysis one semester prior graduation Task 2 – Apply SMART technique to list steps and map out timeline Example short-term goal is get IRB approval by December 2015 Tasks – Draft all collection instruments and guides by X date, Get letters of support from community agencies by X date, draft recruitment protocol and informed consents by X date etc…
Practice Time How will you reach your goals
Step 3: Think about… How You Spend Time Now & How to Maximize that Time Find the time and space that work ‘best’ for you Find the format that’s ideal for your dissertation Work/Life Balance If you can, get paid to work on your dissertation Tools that can speed you up – Work smarter NOT harder End note Live scribe Move toward paper free Maximize the library Qualtrics, SPSS, Atlas.Ti and other software Other tricks
Practice Time Work smarter not harder
Step 4: Implement and Monitor the Plan Start working your plan Evaluate your process & success along the path Keep timeline on hand and visit it often Celebrate small and large accomplishments
Plan for the Unexpected All Along the Way Think about how you will react and recover when life throws you curve balls Identify potential challenges you may expect as a doctoral student Family obligations Family Planning Health Financial Well Being Who are your supports? What are your resources? Working with your advisor, committee, and campus policy
Practice Time Implementation, Evaluation & Adjustment
To Recap Step 1: Set your Goals (short term and long term goals) Step 2: Think about how you reach those goals Step 3: Think about how you spend time now & how to maximize that time Step 4: Implement and monitor the plan Plan for the unexpected all along the way
Questions? YOU CAN DO THIS!!