How to Get Paid for Your Book More & More Often After the Yes:
Agenda: Leveraging content Multiple income streams Sequence of offerings Automating the experience
Developmental Editing: $2,520 - $18,200 Copyediting: $840 - $7,000 Cover Design: $150 - $3,500 Formatting: Free - $2,500 Getting an ISBN: $125 - $250 Pre-Publication Reviews: $100 - $500 Marketing & PR: $100 - $5,000+ Distribution Fees Print Fees Cost of Production & Promotion: Earnings: Approx: $5,000 annually Profit = 6+ years Approx: $30,000
What is your “why”?
Your Content: Drip it Chapter Fans How many products live inside? How many experiences can you produce from one book?
Low Impact Blogs/White Papers Infographics Some Added Work with Mixed Rewards Non-readers Anti-Info Overload Multiple Uses Easy to share Go viral Free Online Presence Revise for SEO Limit Access Pink Spoon Lead Capture Fresh Content Natural Upsell Interactive Higher value Bundle Offer Easier to write Downloadable Workbooks
High Impact Webinars Podcasts More Added Work with Bigger Rewards Writing credibility Calls to Action Life to old content Builds relationship Guest experts Chapters/Teasers Track Interest Levels Surveys Special Offers New Audiences Recordings Online Training Chapter/Topic-Based Self-Paced Exercises Accountability Media-Rich Resources
Maximum Impact Keynotes/Workshops Certifications A Lot of Added Work for Big Long-term Rewards Hosted Visibility Back-of-Room Sales PR Build Fan Base Info Products High-End Programs Licensing Train the Trainer Sales Force Revenue Share Masterminds Tribe- guided Exclusivity Engagement Ideas for Part 2 Multiply Results
C.J. Hayden
Free $ $$ $$$ Design the Experience What’s Your Sequence? Ex: CJ’s workbook, workshop and certification/license J.K.’s book, movie, merchandise, theme park, etc.
Automate the Experience!
The Importance of Automation Advantage Media LMS Infusionsoft DirectPay Ontraport Sales Force
Custom ProfitAble Action Plan Schedule Your Appointment with Neil & Receive:
60 Question Assessment on 5 key areas of business: 1. Brand Identity 2. Online Presence 3. Teams & Partnerships 4. Technology & Automation 5. Attraction & Conversion 30 Minute Action Session with a DirectPay Profit Counselor Review your results and discuss objectives and challenges. Receive information on your strengths and action-areas. Customized Profitable Action Plan Robust document with a checklist of action-ready steps and recommended resources 1 2 3
Neil Alcala CEO Dianne Calvo Relationship Manager Shea Kane Marketing Manager Thomas Olsen Web Developer Diana Bharath Client Specialist Fran Garavuso Operations Manager