Lit Analysis Essays The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly…
In today ’ s world the government or people would never let this happen. When they passed the no child left behind law it means every child gets a home. Two years in prison an two thousand dollar fine for every ball I take out. (Vonnegut, pg 1) I think that is just completly not right. I don ’ t think our government would ever do such a thing. Our government is the best in the entire world and not to overpowered. Step 1: Read the Essay and assign a letter grade
In today ’ s world the government or people would never let this happen. When they passed the no child left behind law it means every child gets a home. Two years in prison an two thousand dollar fine for every ball I take out. (Vonnegut, pg 1) I think that is just completly not right. I don ’ t think our government would ever do such a thing. Our government is the best in the entire world and not to overpowered. Step 2: highlight the topic sentence What is wrong with the topic sentence? What is this? The government or people? Very vague…
In today ’ s world the government or people would never let this happen. When they passed the no child left behind law it means every child gets a home. Two years in prison an two thousand dollar fine for every ball I take out. (Vonnegut, pg 1) I think that is just completly not right. I don ’ t think our government would ever do such a thing. Our government is the best in the entire world and not to overpowered. Step 3: highlight the concrete detail (fact that supports your topic sentence) What is wrong with CD? Doesn’t support the topic sentence. Doesn’t even know what NCLB is… The mysterious they…
In today ’ s world the government or people would never let this happen. When they passed the no child left behind law it means every child gets a home. Two years in prison an two thousand dollar fine for every ball I take out. (Vonnegut, pg 1) I think that is just completly not right. I don ’ t think our government would ever do such a thing. Our government is the best in the entire world and not to overpowered. Your quote should be your Concrete Detail. What is wrong with this embedded quote? Floating quote: quote is a sentence on it’s own Incorrect Citation No quotation marks… Has nothing to do with anything else
In today ’ s world the government or people would never let this happen. When they passed the no child left behind law it means every child gets a home. Two years in prison an two thousand dollar fine for every ball I take out. (Vonnegut, pg 1) I think that is just completly not right. I don ’ t think our government would ever do such a thing. Our government is the best in the entire world and not to overpowered. Step 4: Highlight 2 instances of commentary (your thoughts on the CD) What is wrong with this student’s commentary? Never use I think/in my opinion/etc. What is such a thing? What is that? None of this really says anything…
Now, lets take a look at a better example of a lit analysis body paragraph…
In the beginning of The Cask of Amatillado, Montresor reveals his plans for revenge on fortunato. He wants to “not only punish, but punish with impunity.” Montressor has been insulted and wishes to punish Fortunato with reason. This quote is important to the story, because it sets up the plot. I find it is one of the most important quotes, because it is what the entire story is based off of. Step 1: Read the Essay and assign a letter grade
In the beginning of The Cask of Amatillado, Montresor reveals his plans for revenge on fortunato. He wants to “not only punish, but punish with impunity.” Montressor has been insulted and wishes to punish Fortunato with reason. This quote is important to the story, because it sets up the plot. I find it is one of the most important quotes, because it is what the entire story is based off of. Step 2: Highlight the topic sentence. What makes this topic sentence better? Names the story. Specifically states who the essay is about. Specifically states what the essay is about.
In the beginning of The Cask of Amatillado, Montresor reveals his plans for revenge on fortunato. He wants to “not only punish, but punish with impunity.” Montressor has been insulted and wishes to punish Fortunato with reason. This quote is important to the story, because it sets up the plot. I find it is one of the most important quotes, because it is what the entire story is based off of. Step 3: Highlight the Concrete Detail. Quote is embedded into sentence. Relates to topic sentence. factual What is better about this students CD?
In the beginning of The Cask of Amatillado, Montresor reveals his plans for revenge on fortunato. He wants to “not only punish, but punish with impunity.” Montressor has been insulted and wishes to punish Fortunato with reason. This quote is important to the story, because it sets up the plot. I find it is one of the most important quotes, because it is what the entire story is based off of. Step 4: Highlight 2 instances of commentary Student’s own thoughts on the quotes importance. Relates to CD and topic sentence. What is this student’s Commentary better?
Now, lets look at a pre-AP level essay…
In The Cask of Amatillado, Montressor is trying to get revenge against Fortunato. At the time, Fortunato is drunk and easy to Manipulate. Montressor is always saying to him, “Come, we Will go back; your health is precious” to trick Fortunato into Following him (Poe 32). He is being led to into a dark, threatening, and sickly place without realizing he is being led to his own death trap. It is an important part of the rising action, because if Montressor hadn’t been clever enough to trick Fortunato into following him, he would have never got his revenge. Montressor was completely motivated by revenge, and in the end, his cleverness helped him to suceed. Step 1: Read the Essay and assign a letter grade
In The Cask of Amatillado, Montressor is trying to get revenge against Fortunato. At the time, Fortunato is drunk and easy to manipulate. Montressor is always saying to him, “Come, we will go back; your health is precious” to trick Fortunato into following him (Poe 32). He is being led to into a dark, threatening, and sickly place without realizing he is being led to his own death trap. It is an important part of the rising action, because if Montressor hadn’t been clever enough to trick Fortunato into following him, he would have never got his revenge. Montressor was completely motivated by revenge, and in the end, his cleverness helped him to suceed. Why is this essay the best one we’ve read? Topic sentece is more specific. CD is introduced, then explained further with embedded quote. Correct citation Uses imagery Addresses character trait Concluding sentence