Cody Campbell Blake Rehm Hunter Mcclure CBH MOTORSPORTS
BACKGROUND While hunting the wild water buffalo in Africa we discovered a large diamond in the ground and all we had were are dirt bikes to haul this sucker back to society. We sold the diamond to Jared himself. Yes we went to Jared’s. Now as new found millionaires with business degrees from the University of Wyoming, we decided to pay respect to the bikes that hauled our diamond and create CBH Motorsports. CBH Motorsports was founded in September of 2012.
ROLES CEO - Cody Campbell in charge of overall operations of the organization CFO – Hunter McClure in charge of all finances of CBH Motorsports CTO – Blake Rehm in charge of all technology and management
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Dirt Bike Manufacterer and models Honda- XR650, CR250, CRF450 KTM- 350SX, 450XC, 650XCF BMW- G650GS, F800GS Yamaha- YZ250F, WR450F Kawasaki- KX450F, KX250F Husqvarna- TC449, TE511 Suzuki- RMZ250, RMZ450 Aprilia- SXV5.5, MXV450 SERVICES On site mechanic 24/7 online maintenance support Product Warranties On the spot finance services Customer service Test track Sports bar
ACCESSORIES AND MERCHANDISE Merchandise Fox FMF Renthal Alpinestar Bell Kawasaki No Fear Dunlop O’neal SHOEi Products T- Shirts Jackets Boots Gloves Helmets Jersey Gear Goggles Pants Posters
DEMOGRAPHICS Store Front CBH Motorsports pertains predominately to males from ages years old. Middle class two income households Outdoor enthusiasts Extreme sports enthusiasts Online Fans and active enthusiasts of all ages Computer literate individuals
MARKETING Online Behavioral - We plan to trace users website activity in order to make their experience more beneficial and hopefully increase sales by providing the products they want. We plan to use clickstream to track this information. Crowdsourcing - We plan to use the website to interact with our customers and provide them with up to date shipping, purchases, and new products. We want to provide this through both website and phone updates. Long tail Marketing - We plan to have a refined image not only through online appearance but through business, logo, and product. This will separate us from our competitors by creating an monopoly over our product and the excellence we provide through our product and service. We will create a more active presence by having a social network presence.
MARKETING Store Front Subscription - We will offer incentives to join and maintain membership in a mostly online rewards program. This will allow us to track information of purchases along with creating an incentive for our customers to return. Display ads.- We plan to have discrete and purposeful store advertising. The image of both the business and of the product are of utmost importance and the appearance will attract consumers seeking out a high quality product. A distinguished brand and image at our store front will promote local following and hopefully increase popularity and sales.
RESOURCES "Management Information Systems (12th Edition) [Hardcover]." Management Information Systems (12th Edition) ( ): Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept