6 th Grade Orientation Elmwood Elementary Expect Excellence!
Introductions Jo Boardman, Principal Meghan Lipphold, Assistant Principal 6 th Grade Educators: Tom Casanova Lawrie Pietrowiak Mary Jo Chmielewski Deb Harmon Katy O’Sullivan
Goals and Objectives Strive for independence, organization, & time management Transition to middle school & adolescence Covering the “ big ideas ” and skills needed for the 21 st century
Writing Persuasive Memoirs Fiction Poetry Research Projects On-demand prompts Grammar
Writing Assessment: 6 Traits of Writing 1. Ideas 2. Organization 3. Voice 4. Word Choice 5. Sentence Fluency 6. Conventions The process is stressed!!!
Reading Literacy Block Nonfiction Research Nightly reading Goal: 30 minutes
Reading Strategies Questioning Visualizing Making Inferences Making Connections Synthesizing Information Finding Importance
Social Studies The 5 Themes of Geography Ancient Civilizations: Nile Mesopotamia India China Greece Rome
Science Environment Inside the Earth Cells and Heredity Weather and Climate Science and Technology Scientific Method
Math Connected Math Program 6 th /7 th Hybrid Class 6 th Grade Class Focus On: Concepts Problem-solving Calculations
Ropes & Challenges Field Trip Camp MacLean Tuesday, September 20 th 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Community-Building Activities
Homework Expectations 6 th grade quality Timeliness Time management Create routine: Time Quiet location Help focus and assist
Communication Website Includes: Search engines Homework Useful sites Elmwords, class updates, parent contact
Communication Students can check the website for homework Phone calls
Successful Beginnings Positive reinforcement at school & home Encourage healthy lunch & snack choices Clothing & make-up See website for policy: rict_handbook_elem.cfm State Testing – WKCE
Thank you for all your hard work, time, dedication, and enthusiasm!!! We look forward to working with you! Mary Jo, Lawrie, Tom, Deb, & Katy