Feature Stories: Features are told in a less hurried and generally more creative way. The writer chooses a unique subject, or unique angle to hook in the reader. Features almost never begin with the most important information in the lead. Often found in magazines
Kinds of feature Stories Trend stories report on changes that happened gradually over time. Profiles tell the story of a person or persons. Human interest stories in some way tell us more about what it means to be human
Editorials/ Opinion Pieces: Take a Stand!!!! An article that states your stance or opinion on a particular issue. Basically, it is a persuasive essay that offers a solution to a problem. Editorials appear on the newspaper’s Opinions page only, a page that can also include columns, reviews and cartoons. Editorials should be clearly stated and not presented as news!
Feature article Tell a story!!! A feature article is supposed to highlight an interesting aspect of human life. For example, a cancer survivor, someone who has climbed Mount Everest, etc. In other words it is a story that is meant to catch a reader's attention. This type of story is also very factual. There is very little or no room for editorializing, or trying to persuade the reader to do something.
Editorial Give your opinion!!! An editorial is a persuasive piece designed to make the reader think or to do something. This doesn't have to be a human interest story. This is usually more intellectual and has numerical facts or quotes that back up the writers opinion, which is what the article is based on.