Welcome to Room 418 – Mrs. O’Hare, Ms. Taylor, Mrs. Wayton Check out our “Where I’m From” poems, written by students as we explore how our life experiences affect how we interpret text. Period 1– Across the hall near Mrs. Bryant’s office Period 3/4 - in hallway across from room Period 5/6 – On back wall of classroom Back Again – Scholastic Book Clubs A great way to fill your child’s library with classic and new children’s literature. A great way to fill our classroom library also!
New this year… PARCC testing twice this year New vocabulary program, “Building Vocabulary”, with a focus on root words New units of study reflecting Common Core Curriculum Standards (national)
Keep in Touch Student grades will be entered in Realtime. Make sure you and your child can log in Check out my Teacher Web Page – User friendly. Homework will be posted daily, as well as links to assignments and other important information me or call anytime. Any breaking news, please call the office. Let me know of any skills or interests you could share with students
The Workshop Format… Allows students to choose – what they read and what they write Provides direct instruction modeled by the teacher Gives students extended time to practice the taught strategies Allows teachers to conference one on one or in small groups with students Assesses formatively, allowing teachers to plan instruction based on the student’s needs Fosters independence and confidence in readers and writers
Writing Workshop Students write every day in the classroom Students follow the steps of the writing process to produce a number of finished pieces throughout the year Students explore different genres of writing Writing instruction encourages students to study mentor texts, often texts shared in Reader’s Workshop Spelling, grammar and mechanics are taught within the workshop Throughout middle school, writers will add to their “Writer’s Toolbox” to produce increasingly more complex and mature pieces of writing in a variety of genres
Assessment in Writer’s Workshop Assessment will be ongoing and formative Completion and quality of Writers Notebook Graded final product Graded Word Work assignments (Spelling, usage, vocabulary)
Writers Workshop Units Launching Writers Workshop – Personal Narrative Realistic Fiction – Big Dreams, Tall Ambitions Literary Essay Informational Writing/Research – Fact Meets Fiction Personal/Persuasive Essay Argument Writing Test Prep Independent Research Project – Writing about History
Before Readers Workshop… Teachers chose ”good books” that all students would read, regardless of ability or interest Books were taught specifically, not generally Students demonstrated their comprehension by answering questions in study packets and defining vocabulary words Students read round robin, at differing fluency levels Students were tested on the material they had “learned” with “right” answers. Yes, that was the way we learned but… did we enjoy it?
Reader’s Workshop Allows students to choose books at their level and interest, to read independently Teaches reading strategies directly by modeling on a shared text, then sending students off to practice in their own reading Gives students extended time to read independently Allows teachers to conference with individual or small groups of students Allows students to interact with text to create their own meaning Builds a community of readers who share, think about, recommend and respect books Encourages students to think “big” when reading. Fosters an excitement and love for reading
Every day in Reader’s Workshop Read Aloud Mini – Lesson: short, strategic and focused Independent reading time – in a perfect world, 25 minutes Teacher confers with individual or small groups during independent reading Share – students come together to celebrate reading success Homework – Independent reading and responding at home
Assessment in Reader’s Workshop Assessment will be ongoing and formative Completion and quality of Reader’s Response Journal Assessments reflecting the use of taught strategies Graded Word Work
Reading Workshop Units Launching Readers Workshop with Experienced Readers Characters and Other Story Elements Interpretation and Author Study – Analytical Reading Mystery Book Clubs Narrative Non-Fiction: Life Stories Expository Non-Fiction – Navigation and Perseverance Test Prep Historical Fiction - Civil War Book Clubs
Thanks for Coming! Any questions?