SScience. SSocial awareness. GGeography. LLanguage.
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Survey D iscussion Visit Seminar Practical
Use the variety of media and from to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audience, spoken, written, visual language, develops models to explain how object event and processes work in the real world. Theories plans and carry out experiments and analysis and report conclusion of those experiments. Collect and record data for survey or experiment, organize it. Plan and do things in systematic way. Students use technology tools to exchange learning and promote creativity, process data and report result. Collaborate publish, and interest with peers, experts and other audience. Students areas themselves through the project also asses by the teachers through checklist, worksheets etc.
By the end of this project students will be able to: Work cooperatively in smaller groups. Analysis the importance of plantation. Expose them to the nature.
HHow is the world changing over the years?
What are the parts of plants? What is the importance of a plant? What does a plant need to live?
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Trip to a nursery. Visit to a park. Seminar. Drawing.
Students communicate and share their views with others, solve problems of their studies, polish their creativity, enhance their observational skills and intellect, get information about the uses and names of different things and ideas through videos, stories, and games, help and assist each other in making project and solving problems. They use the tools of internet like searching and surfing different sites. Students assess their creativity, observation, communication skills, knowledge and thinking powers through check list. Students plan and do thing in a systematic way.
By this project students will learn many new things about the plants and trees. The importance of plants and trees in a society will be enlightened by this project. Sense of working together in groups and helping others will develop and will be polished Activities like seminars, checklists, reports, will develop a lot of interest among the students. Moreover students will come to know many advantages of trees and will be eager to look after them. Projects like these really help bringing the hidden talents among the students and give them a nice experience for their lives.
Increment of social awareness of the students. Increment of the knowledge about plantation and its importance, of the students. Development of interest in students through seminars, banners, posters, surveys, visits etc.