Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 1 Applicant Budgeting Module
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 2 Module overview ä Define budget components, component amounts, budget groups, budget types, aid periods, and the correlation between them ä Define and establish rules for budget group assignments ä Assign and modify a student’s budget group ä Review system indicators, messages, and letters
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 3 Budget components, groups, and types ä Create budget components ä Tuition, room and board, books, etc. ä Budget groups ä Similar to tracking groups ä Budget types ä Establish budget types by budget groups
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 4 Budget components (cont) ä Define aid periods ä Establish valid budget components: ä Budget group ä Budget type ä Aid period combinations ä Component amounts
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 5 Rules for budget group assignments ä Identify groups of students with common budget criteria ä Define the rules by using the specific attributes of each student budgeting group ä Define budget group assignment rules for each budget group established
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 6 A student’s budget group ä Assign a budgeting group in each of the following: ä Manually ä On-line automatic assignment ä Batch process ä Modify a student’s budgeting group and default in the new budget
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 7 Student’s budget group (cont) ä Adding budget components manually to a student’s budget ä Creating a mixed budget from one term to the next
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 8 Review system indicators and letters ä Review of system indicators to determine how budget components were generated ä Define messages with certain budget group codes for use in Letter Generation
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 9 Applicant budget set-up Define Budget Periods Define Budget Groups Define Components Define Budget Types Define Budget Periods Define Budget Groups Define Components Define Budget Types RTVAPRD Aid Period Validation RTVBGRP Budget Group Validation RTVCOMP Budget Component Validation RTVBTYP Budget Type Validation
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB Financial Aid Selection Rules Form RORRULE Define criteria that determines to which group a student is assigned 2. Group/Type RBRGTYP Defines which budget types are associated with each group 3. Component Amounts RBRCOMP Establishes component dollar amounts for every budget group Budget rules
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 11 Applicant budgets set-up Budget information can appear on letter RTVMESG RORMESG Message Code Validation Form Defines specific budget messages Budget Group Message Rules Form Associates a particular message to a budget group
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 12 Applicant budgets set-up (cont) RORTPRD STVTERM Term Code Validation Form This form identifies valid “terms” in Student records Aid Periods (established on RTVAPRD) are tied to students records terms on this form Aid Period/Term Rule Form Financial Aid Student Records
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 13 Assigning Applicants Budget Population Selection RORRULE Financial Aid Selection Rules Form Batch ROBBGRP On-line ROOAUTO ROAIMMP Immediate Processing Form
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 14 Assigning applicants budget (cont) Individual Budget Records Individual Budget Records { RBIBGRP Budget Group Inquiry Form RBAABUD Applicant Budget Form
Applicant Budget Forms RORRULEGroup Assignment Rules Form RBRCOMPBudget Component Rules Form RBRGTYPBudget Group/Type Rules Form RTVBGRPBudget Group Validation Form RTVBTYPBudget Type Validation Form RTVCOMPBudget Component Validation Form RTVAPRDAid Period Validation Form RORRULEGroup Assignment Rules Form RBRCOMPBudget Component Rules Form RBRGTYPBudget Group/Type Rules Form RTVBGRPBudget Group Validation Form RTVBTYPBudget Type Validation Form RTVCOMPBudget Component Validation Form RTVAPRDAid Period Validation Form RORMESGCode/Message Rules Form (used in letter generation) *RTVMESGMessage Code Validation (used in letter generation) RORMESGCode/Message Rules Form (used in letter generation) *RTVMESGMessage Code Validation (used in letter generation) RBAABUDApplicant Budget Form RBIBGRPBudget Group Inquiry Form (Display Only) RBIBUDGBudget Inquiry Form (Display Only) RHACOMMApplicant Comments Form ROAIMMPApplicant Immediate Process Form RBAABUDApplicant Budget Form RBIBGRPBudget Group Inquiry Form (Display Only) RBIBUDGBudget Inquiry Form (Display Only) RHACOMMApplicant Comments Form ROAIMMPApplicant Immediate Process Form
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 16 Budgeting Module Schematic Rules Validations Rules RORMESG Associate message text with budget groups RBRCOMP Define Budgets Associating groups, with components, amounts, aid periods, & type RORRULE Group Assignment Rules RBRGTYP Associate budget types with budget groups RTVBTYP Budget Type Codes RTVBGRP Budget Group Codes RTVMESG Valid Message Text
Confidential Banner2000 Applicant Budgeting 3.0 Training Materials AB- 17 Budgeting Module Schematic (cont) RTVCOMP Budget Component Codes Rules Validations Rules RTVAPRD Budget Component Codes STVTERM (ROITERM) Valid Term Codes RORTPRD Associate Term Codes with Aid Periods