Writing Style Level 2 Concrete Language
Use definite, specific, concrete Language "If those who have studied the art of writing are in accord on any one point, it is this: the surest way to arouse and hold the reader's attention is by being specific, definite, and concrete." -Strunk and White
Use Imagery… Use words which create sensations in one or more of the reader’s five senses. Human beings gain information about the world only in these 5 ways, it makes sense to engage them on this level.
Be Concise… Write using nouns and verbs. Never use 2 words where 1 will do. The Adjective and Adverb are the enemies of good writing. There are 750,000 standard words in the English language; use the word which means exactly what you mean, not one which must be modified to get your meaning across.
Using the Right word Practice He ran very fast. She is very sad. It was a tall oak tree. Dashed, sprinted, rushed… Depressed, distraught, morose… The oak tree towered over us.
Say what things Are rather than what they are Not… When you tell someone what something isn’t it gives very little information… I don’t drive a blue truck… I drive a red ford sedan.
Positive Form Practice not honest not important did not pay any attention to did not have much confidence in dishonest lying dog trifling ignored distrusted
Level 2 Practice He showed satisfaction as he took possession of his well-earned reward. She did not think that studying Latin was a sensible way to use one’s time. Get good grades. He grinned as he pocketed the coin. She thought the study of Latin a waste of time. Complete every assignment on time.
Assignment Step into the painting in front of you and describe your surroundings from wherever you choose to stand. Paint a picture with your words; I should be able to feel where you are standing. The Mount of the Holy Cross Oil on Canvas
Assignment continued… Assignment rules: Avoid all forms of the word “to be.” Tell what things are rather than what things are not. Write using nouns and verbs which appeal to the five senses. Touch on 4 out of the 5 senses.