By Brandi Lopez
The art of tattooing has been around for centuries. There are many different cultures and religions that involve tattoos such as Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. For some it's a solemn ritual. Whether or not people do it for religious or cultural it's simply a joyous way to show one's beliefs to the world. For this interview I interviewed my sister, Candace. She currently has 3 tattoos, the first one was when she was 15 and the other two at the age 17.
I'm not going to encourage them, however if they choose to get tattoos I will support them. It is ultimately their body and their decision. WHEN YOU HAVE CHILDREN OF YOUR OWN WOULD YOU ENCOURAGE THEM TO GET TATTOOS?
I feel like mostly every one speaks the English language, so getting a foreign language makes it more unique, and because its in another language I get asked what it is and why I got it which I love because I get to tell the story behind my art work. My first tattoo is in Italian and my second tattoo is in French because me and my sister both have French roots so we wanted to do something to bring that side out. WHY DO YOU HAVE TATTOOS IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES?
I really that being judge based on tattoos is so wrong, like I said before I feel that it's a great way to express yourself and being judges for that is completely wrong. Tattoos are only on the outside, it doesn't change the good person you are in the inside. In my opinion, one day no one will be able to judge anymore because so many people have tattoos. I feel like it's becoming more and more widely expectable WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON GETTING JUDGED BECAUSE YOU HAVE TATTOOS?
To me the birds aren't just birds but rather a symbol. I love what birds stand for, I feel like they're such beautiful creatures. I love how they have free spirits and live a carefree life, and I feel that I can really relate that to my life. WHY DID YOU GET BIRDS TATTOOED ON YOU?
I've always grown up thinking the art of tattoos was a beautiful way to express yourself. I knew that once I found something really important to me I would put it on my body as a tattoo. I think the human body is a personal canvas. WHAT MADE YOU WANT TATTOOS?