Objectives Outline the main steps in the scientific method


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Presentation transcript:

Objectives Outline the main steps in the scientific method List the elements of a controlled experiment

The Tools of Science The Scientific Method General steps in the scientific method Observe (question) Hypothesis (prediction) Testing/Experimentation Analyze Repeat the test or devise a new one Report

Observation You notice that these plants are not the same size. Collect some data.

Hypothesis Full Sun Shade Hypothesis: An educated guess that attempts to answer the question at hand If plants are in full sunlight then they grow taller because they can photosynthesize more.

Develop ways to test your hypothesis. Controlled experiment The only factor that will change. In this case; light. All other factors are the same; soil, moisture, fertilizer, etc. Controlled Light Develop ways to test your hypothesis. Controlled experiment Determine the independent variable (what you are changing)

All variables remain constant. Experimental group Results from the experimental group will be compared to the control group Shade, no direct light More Controlled Light Control. Less controlled light Control group All variables remain constant. Experimental group The group where the independent variable is changed

Any changes that resulted from manipulating the independent variable Experiment Shade, no direct light More Controlled Light Control. Less controlled light Dependent variable Any changes that resulted from manipulating the independent variable Portion of experiment you can measure. Ex. Height of plant

Variables Independent variable (changing) Amount of light Dependent variable (can measure) Growth of plant Experimental group Plants in full sunlight Control group Plants in partial sunlight

Data- Collect information, typically in the form of a chart to show what was measured in the experiment. Height of plant (cm) Days Full sunlight Part 1 4 cm 4 6 cm 5 cm 7 7 cm 10 8 cm 13 10 cm

Analysis Analyze your data. If you had statistical data you collected, you would show results in a graph. Dependent variable (what is being measured) – y axis Independent variable (what is being changed) – x axis

Guess what I found out!?... Conclusion Conclusion: Simply state whether or not your data supports your hypothesis. Ex. “Based upon the results of my experiment . . . “